where to put map related files in iGO/Primo ?   

where to put map related files in iGO/Primo ?

Postby nabi » Thu Nov 01, 2012 3:16 pm

--> the directory *\content\building\
3dl/3dc --> 3D view Landmarks/Building
petrol.3dl - 3D view of Petrol stations

--> the directory *\content\dem\
dem --> Landscape view

--> the directory *\content\histspeed\
hsp --> Smart route, allows to avoid traffic on certain hours => only Becker Primo and recent Primo, about same function as fsp (go in map folder)

--> the directory *\content\map\
fbl --> Maps
fda --> Driver Alerts (Primo only)
fjv --> junction views
fjw --> newer version of fjv (Primo only)
fpa --> Adress points (house numbers) (Primo only)
fsp --> Smart route (about same as hsp files that go in histspeed folder) historical traffic data in relation to time and day of the week. Therefor the route calculation may differ depending on the time of day (to avoid daily traffic jams) (Primo only)
ftr --> Truck Info
hnr --> predefined calculated routing for 'short', 'fast', 'easy', 'economical' (Primo only)

kml --> Custom POI

bmp - Custom POI icons

Secret tip : To use hnr one needs the complete mapset unless in sys.txt:


--> the directory *\content\phoneme\

phr/ph --> Pronouncing local names (for TTS) (phonetical files)

--> the directory *\content\poi\
poi --> Points of Interest

--> the directory *\content\speedcam\
txt --> Speedcams
spc --> Speedcams (Primo only)

--> the directory *\content\userdata\poi\
kml --> Custom Points of Interest

PLEASE NOTE that "TeleAtlas" changed its name to "TomTom" and you should pay attention that the TomTom maps you want to download are maps for iGO!!

Be aware that Navteq files and TomTom/Teleatlas files (or any other mapping files) should NOT be intermingled into the same folder(s). If you want to use more than one type of map, you must configure a MapChanger Utility.
Also be aware that map files and associated 'extra' files (FDA, HNR, etc) must all be of the same release/date in order to work together.

On the other hand, POI files don't have this restrictions. You will end up with double POI's on the map. That is all.
Another remark : Teleatlas (before the name change) offered "normal" and Premium POI. Use either. TomTom (new name for TeleAtlas) only offers Premium POI, only you won't notice by file name.
Navteq has 'normal' and "Extended" POI. You need either 'normal' POI files or 'normal' and "Extended" POI files (thus both)

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