Changes made to Decent 2DIN v2.0 (from official Decent 6.5.1 skin):
NOTE: This 2DIN-specific version of Decent 6.5.1 is only designed for 800x480 WinCE 2DIN devices. It will only work with Primo 2.4 and was specifically designed around (but should work with other versions).
- Changed "mi/h" and "kp/h" 2-line displays to "mph" and kph" single-line displays in speed button
- Removed Picture Viewer from "More" menu (actually, just made it so the sys.txt [interface] "showpictureviewer" parameter works)
- Restored "Route Alternatives" item back to Route "More" menu (was removed in Decent skin for some reason)
- Removed battery icon
- Added nicer sky/sun/cloud displays in 3D mode
- Added nicer car selection screen background
- Added the follow UX add-ons:
- CarSize_20 - Allows you to resize car icon
- - Verbal driver alerts (TTS only)
- DynamicVolume - Adjust volume based on speed of car
- ExternalPrograms_20 - Added menu of external applications
- MapChanger_24 - MapChanger functionality
- - Verbal quick detours (TTS only)
- - Add application restart button to skin menu
- speedlimit_decrease_tts_20 - Announce when speed limit becomes lower (TTS only)
- speedlimit_increase_tts_20 - Announce when speed limit becomes higher (TTS only)
- - Announce upcoming toll booths (TTS only)
- tts_by_Wiiman_ver2.9 - Multiple add-on TTS functions (TTS only)
- Removed the following UX add-ons (you can re-add them if you use them):
- calibratefix_20
- compass_20
- iqs
- night_filter
- police_man_20
- timezone_rus_blr_20
- tmc_fix_frequency_20
- tts_by_Wiman_ver.2.7 (replaced with version 2.9, which contains a few fixes I implemented)
NOTE - for best US Engligh TTS performance, I'd recommend downloading and installing my US Engligh TTS package (link below) - it fixes multiple US Englsh TTS issues and is customized for the speedlimit decrease/increase UX add-ons. It also contains (7) different TTSPro-capable US English TTS voices.
JT's US English TTS package v2.0: