How to add an internal SD card to TT most ONE models e.g. to   

How to add an internal SD card to TT most ONE models e.g. to

Postby Downunder35m » Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:54 am

Warning! These instructions are not for the faint of heart and you should have some experience in soldering on a SMD level!
I take no responsibilty for devices damaged as I only provide the collected info and would not know if you made mistakes.
If you do this you do it at your own risk!

Many of you might have had the problem in the past that they wanted the Truck map or a big US/EU map, but because ther is no SD slot and limited internal memory it was not possible.
Now most ONE models can be modified to use an internl SD(HD) card, for micro SD use an adapter.
If you decide to do it be smart and use a fast card like class 6 and make sure your bootloader supports SDHC!

Until now only the V3 had instructions on how to add more memory.
This has changed and from info collected at Opentom and some other websites I'd like to share this info:

Tested according to sources on a ONX XL and a ONE V4.
Since there no solder points that clearly state the use of a SD like on the V3 people tried to find out where these points could be located on other models.
They found them ;)

Please check these pics taken from a XL:
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Here is the pinout for a SD (for micro SD use an adapter):
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Several ONE models have a similar layout for the PCB and should be able to use these mods.

Credits go to Opentom and w w w. for the confirmation that it really works.
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