2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee RHB 430N Maps   

2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee RHB 430N Maps

Postby danny2022 » Mon Mar 14, 2022 4:51 am

I am in need of map updates for the Uconnect 430N RHB radio that has never been updated. If anyone can point me to an ISO file or a zip file I would greatly appreciate it.
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Re: 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee RHB 430N Maps

Postby joeblow99 » Mon Mar 14, 2022 6:45 pm

I've tried patching this new version on my unit but no go. I have one of the early RHB units that needs to be flashed by changing the filename to gmapprom.img, When I flash with the JCV on the USB it seems to flash fine except the second progress bar goes beyond 100% and when it is done I get flashed failed. It said I don't have any detailed maps so all I can see is the basemap. No streets or anything really. The only way I've found to fix it is to flash back to 2021.30.

I'm nearly out of ideas. I was thinking of getting into the hidden menu and reinitializing memory and the HDD but I'd probably end up bricking it knowing my luck. In the past I had similar problems until 2021.30 or maybe 2021.10 came around and they just worked. I want to say at point I got into the hidden menu and was able to see that even after flashing my original 2011 or 2010 map files were listed as being on the drive.

***EDIT*** I forgot to mention that the first time I entered the unlock code it worked fine and proceeded to the flash. The second time after I had flashed back to the previous version and attempted again I don't recall having to end the code again. ***

If anyone has some suggestions on what to try next please speak out. It is a real pain in the ass to waste an hour (well...two) each time a flash fails to stick. On and as far as I can remember I'm currently on RHB-RBZ.33.01.23, Maybe I have to go lower? Let us know!!

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Re: Garmin City Navigator North America NT 2023.10 FID 93

Postby joeblow99 » Tue Mar 22, 2022 11:10 am

Alright alright alright....I come with gifts!! After much screwing around with the 2023.10 map release I have created an IMG that will work on EARLY model 430N RHB units. I have a 2011 Jeep Patriot that I bought soon after it was launched and have one of the earlier units. Previously the newest map update I could install was 2021.30. 2022.25 would not work and trying to install the 2022.10 unmodified was a no-go. I figured it was too big at just over 4gb so I gave it a trim by cutting out Canada/Mexico...basically anything that isn't part of the 50 states.

Yes - I know people have released chopped down versions of map updates but from what I've seen they always screw it up and **** is improperly named, versions aren't set, product codes are wrong, etc etc. To top it off they then add insult to injury an insist on hosting their creation on the SLOWEST file hosts known to man. Annoying.

Ok down to what you need to know...

1) Installed the modified gmapprom.img on to my radio that is running firmware 33.02.01. I didn't bother trying to install it with the new JCV (YET) but I've included it anyway if you want to try yourself. I suggest starting without and going from there.

2) As I mentioned...trimmed the map fat. I did a lot of work in GmapTool to make sure settings and structure were as close to the 2021.30 map update as I could get it. EX: mapset name is properly set to "CN North America NT 2023.10 ALL" - not "Bahamas, South Carolina, Georgia" or whatever the hell some of these other modified image releases have come out with in the past.

3) The IMG file clocks in at 2.93 GB (3,150,905,344 bytes). Yep that is less than 2021.30 and under 4GB so if you want to go back in and add some of the stuff I removed...you have room to do so.

4) Format USB, Garmin folder, put in IMG inside folder. That's it. Don't rename it. If you think you need to rename to gmapsupp or whatever then this post isn't for you. This is for people with early NAVs that won't take gmapsupp updates.

5) You'll probably need Jetmouse at some point (I did once early in development) but rest assured this IMG is unlocked.

That is it. If this doesn't work for you then I don't know what to tell you. I did clear NonVol memory through the engineering menu a few times during the course of building this so if you hit a snag then try that shrug If I remember correctly I had just flashed my firmware from 33.01.23 and then cleared it before trying to update. Also...you might need to try flashing twice if you get a PND Update failed the first time....I should have taken notes LOL

Anyway enjoy. Post questions here and I'll try to check in. If I get around to testing the JCV update and it works I'll post here.


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Re: City Navigator North America NT 2022.20 FID 9147

Postby Dandesilets » Thu Mar 24, 2022 4:28 pm

If i have a Uconnect RB5 8.4N radio with Garmin GPS with a factory installed OEM CN North America 2015 map - will it work or update ? or any other workaround otherwise ?
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Update Maps on a 2012 RHB 430N Radio

Postby CrazeeGhost » Wed Dec 21, 2022 5:11 pm

After a lot of trial and error I think I've finally figured out how to update the Maps on a 2012 RHB 430N system. Here are the steps with some additional information -

Upgrade or Downgrade radio to software version 33.02.01. I got the software from here -
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Copy the folders and files to a Thumb Drive formatted with Fat or FAT32. Insert the Thumb Drive into your RHB system and respond to prompts.

:bs_quesexclaim: I did not have luck updating maps with radio software v33.01.xx or v50.01.xx.

Download an unlocked Garmin maps .img from Here

:bs_quesexclaim: You must download maps for the same region as already installed on your unit. For ex. if your unit came with North America maps, you must update with NA maps. If your unit came with Canada maps, you must update with Canada maps. Otherwise, you'll get an error saying "The map update provided is not compatible with your navigation system."

The download will contain either gmapprom.img or gmapsupp.img. Note the MapID or the FID of the map version you downloaded.

:bs_quesexclaim: It seems like the 2012 model year of the RHB430N fails to update maps if the provided image file is larger than 3.25GB. As such the latest map update it would take for North America would be 2021.30. I used 2020.10 maps which can be downloaded from here -
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You should be able to create your own custom map with image size under 3.25GB but I haven't tried that, yet. Just ensure the map identifier lines up with what's currently installed to avoid "The map update provided is not compatible with your navigation system." error.

Download JetMouse Keygen from HERE
Open the keygen and type in your Unit ID. Leave the 'Select Software Product' dropdown alone. From the 'Select Map Product' section select '<custom mapset>'. A pop-up will appear. Type in the MapID or FID in the text input and hit OK.


On the main kaygen window hit Generate. It will generate an unlock code for your map.

Format a usb flash drive as Fat32 and create a folder called Garmin on it. Copy the downloaded .img file inside the Garmin folder and rename it to gmapprom.img. Insert the thumb drive into your RHB system and respond to prompts. If you're prompted to enter a product key for the maps use the unlock code generated by JetMouse Keygen. Wait for the update to complete. It may take 1-2 hours depending on the size of the update. Once finished, you should see a message saying "PND Update Complete". Enjoy!
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Re: City Navigator North America NT 2024.10 FID 9949

Postby JoseJK » Sat Apr 15, 2023 6:49 am

Hi, i'm trying to get this map update to a RHB 430n jeep wrangler radio, i live in Mexico, could you point me out which files should i be downloading and trying to load to my stereo/nav? (JCV i believe is feasible but can't figure out the exact file combination that i'd need), Thanks in advance.
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Re: 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee RHB 430N Maps

Postby Paranha69 » Thu Apr 27, 2023 6:14 pm

Can anyone tell me how to edit and save the maps to a new img? I'd like to try and edit my own maps that include Canada and cut out some other areas to save space.
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Re: 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee RHB 430N Maps

Postby CrazeeGhost » Thu Apr 27, 2023 7:03 pm

JoseJK wrote:Hi, i'm trying to get this map update to a RHB 430n jeep wrangler radio, i live in Mexico, could you point me out which files should i be downloading and trying to load to my stereo/nav? (JCV i believe is feasible but can't figure out the exact file combination that i'd need), Thanks in advance.

Here's what I used 2020.10 North America includes JCV file-
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Re: 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee RHB 430N Maps

Postby sgladysz » Fri Jun 09, 2023 10:42 am

Is there any way to change the region of the map? Currently I have a map from North America, but my car is in EU, so I like to change the maps to local Europe maps.
Currently when I'm trying to update the maps I'm getting all the time "The map update provided is not compatible with your navigation system." so it seems that files are ok, but the region mismatch.
Is there any was to omit it?

CrazeeGhost wrote:After a lot of trial and error I think I've finally figured out how to update the Maps on a 2012 RHB 430N system. Here are the steps with some additional information -

Upgrade or Downgrade radio to software version 33.02.01. I got the software from here -
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Copy the folders and files to a Thumb Drive formatted with Fat or FAT32. Insert the Thumb Drive into your RHB system and respond to prompts.

:bs_quesexclaim: I did not have luck updating maps with radio software v33.01.xx or v50.01.xx.

Download an unlocked Garmin maps .img from Here

:bs_quesexclaim: You must download maps for the same region as already installed on your unit. For ex. if your unit came with North America maps, you must update with NA maps. If your unit came with Canada maps, you must update with Canada maps. Otherwise, you'll get an error saying "The map update provided is not compatible with your navigation system."

The download will contain either gmapprom.img or gmapsupp.img. Note the MapID or the FID of the map version you downloaded.

:bs_quesexclaim: It seems like the 2012 model year of the RHB430N fails to update maps if the provided image file is larger than 3.25GB. As such the latest map update it would take for North America would be 2021.30. I used 2020.10 maps which can be downloaded from here -
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You should be able to create your own custom map with image size under 3.25GB but I haven't tried that, yet. Just ensure the map identifier lines up with what's currently installed to avoid "The map update provided is not compatible with your navigation system." error.

Download JetMouse Keygen from HERE
Open the keygen and type in your Unit ID. Leave the 'Select Software Product' dropdown alone. From the 'Select Map Product' section select '<custom mapset>'. A pop-up will appear. Type in the MapID or FID in the text input and hit OK.


On the main kaygen window hit Generate. It will generate an unlock code for your map.

Format a usb flash drive as Fat32 and create a folder called Garmin on it. Copy the downloaded .img file inside the Garmin folder and rename it to gmapprom.img. Insert the thumb drive into your RHB system and respond to prompts. If you're prompted to enter a product key for the maps use the unlock code generated by JetMouse Keygen. Wait for the update to complete. It may take 1-2 hours depending on the size of the update. Once finished, you should see a message saying "PND Update Complete". Enjoy!
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Re: 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee RHB 430N Maps

Postby Godsgem66 » Sat Aug 26, 2023 12:49 am

i have a 2013 Town and country that i upgraded from s 430 (without Nzv) to a 430N from a 2015 jeep. After purchasing an unlock code found that there were no maps on the unit and kept getting the "can't Unlock maps" message. After multiple attempted upgrades, I ended up in a boot loop. Here is how it was fixed and I'm currently on newer maps.
1. Downgraded to CTP13
2. entered Nav settings clicked the "update Maps," prior to this step, do the following>>> (with a formatted usb inserted into your computer, manually add "Garmin" folder and inside of that folder, maually add an empty .txt file labeled "Garmin"
3. installed garmin express on my computer(prior to step 2)
4. Register your unit by inserting usb after removing from unit (you'll be instructed to return to your computer for update)
5. Garmin Express found a system update. (allow it to install to your usb and return to your vehicle again. after up date return to computer.
6.system after updates read as RHB17.
7. Once Garmin Express said i was up to date, i went to "OpenMapChest" and downloaded supplemental maps for my region (they were split into 5 mapsupp.img files
8. Returned to the vehicle and the update didn't work. used "gimgtools: particularlly the unlock file to unlock each file
9. I suggest having 2 or more usb drives 16gb or higher because i had to delet everything except the garmin folder between update attempts
10. I unlocked each file and placed them in the garmin folder on my usb and attempted the update again SUCCESSFULLY.
My situation was a bit complicated because the unit came out of a 2015 jeep and my vehicle is a 2013 Town and Country. Oddly I didn't have to use all the mapsupp.img files i placed the map that was closes to my region and renamed the others in sequence mapsupp1, mapsupp2, and so on. the system will install the 1st on on the usb drive. after completion I discovered that I had all of the regions and the graphics were pretty decent. The cool thing about this method is that i didn't have to purchase a NAV code from the dealer or the ridculous $595 to have the navigation activated. It took a week but it was worth the money saved. Hopefully this helps someone. The dealer is quick to say its as headunit issue but it isn't.. Be patient, don't give up and don't succomb to the dealer prices
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Re: City Navigator Europe NT 2024.10 FID 9588

Postby nitro84pl » Wed Oct 04, 2023 2:14 pm

I tried to upload a map to the UCONNECT 430N RHB radio, the original City Navigator North America NT 2014 map is there. According to the guides on the Internet, I first downgraded the software to version 33.01.23 to be able to upload the maps, then transferred the unlocked City Navigator North America NT 2023.20 Unlocked FID 9602 map to the pendrive., the radio reads the data and after a while, unfortunately, there is a message that the update cannot be performed. Additionally, I need to download European maps. I named the files gmapsupp.img and gmapsupp1.img - also without success. What am I doing wrong? I am kindly asking for help :bs_help: . Greetings from Poland.
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Re: 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee RHB 430N Maps

Postby GarminNuvi » Wed Oct 04, 2023 8:35 pm

nitro84pl wrote:I need to download European maps. I named the files gmapsupp.img and gmapsupp1.img - also without success. What am I doing wrong?

Please do not post the same question in multiple threads.
This thread deals with RHB 430N.
I don't think your device is able to use 2 .img files, only 1 gmapsupp.img so you have to choose a map set that covers your area that is the right size
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Re: 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee RHB 430N Maps

Postby nitro84pl » Thu Oct 05, 2023 6:12 am

Godsgem66 wrote:i have a 2013 Town and country that i upgraded from s 430 (without Nzv) to a 430N from a 2015 jeep. After purchasing an unlock code found that there were no maps on the unit and kept getting the "can't Unlock maps" message. After multiple attempted upgrades, I ended up in a boot loop. Here is how it was fixed and I'm currently on newer maps.
1. Downgraded to CTP13
2. entered Nav settings clicked the "update Maps," prior to this step, do the following>>> (with a formatted usb inserted into your computer, manually add "Garmin" folder and inside of that folder, maually add an empty .txt file labeled "Garmin"
3. installed garmin express on my computer(prior to step 2)
4. Register your unit by inserting usb after removing from unit (you'll be instructed to return to your computer for update)
5. Garmin Express found a system update. (allow it to install to your usb and return to your vehicle again. after up date return to computer.
6.system after updates read as RHB17.
7. Once Garmin Express said i was up to date, i went to "OpenMapChest" and downloaded supplemental maps for my region (they were split into 5 mapsupp.img files
8. Returned to the vehicle and the update didn't work. used "gimgtools: particularlly the unlock file to unlock each file
9. I suggest having 2 or more usb drives 16gb or higher because i had to delet everything except the garmin folder between update attempts
10. I unlocked each file and placed them in the garmin folder on my usb and attempted the update again SUCCESSFULLY.
My situation was a bit complicated because the unit came out of a 2015 jeep and my vehicle is a 2013 Town and Country. Oddly I didn't have to use all the mapsupp.img files i placed the map that was closes to my region and renamed the others in sequence mapsupp1, mapsupp2, and so on. the system will install the 1st on on the usb drive. after completion I discovered that I had all of the regions and the graphics were pretty decent. The cool thing about this method is that i didn't have to purchase a NAV code from the dealer or the ridculous $595 to have the navigation activated. It took a week but it was worth the money saved. Hopefully this helps someone. The dealer is quick to say its as headunit issue but it isn't.. Be patient, don't give up and don't succomb to the dealer prices

did I have to change the region? I want to change from the US to the EU, how to do it? And how you downgrade the model to CPT13?

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Re: 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee RHB 430N Maps

Postby nitro84pl » Thu Oct 26, 2023 8:29 am

Can anyone help me? What am I doing wrong?
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