Sorry to bother you directly but - Just joined.. After a lot of reading yesterday & today I'm getting the feeling this "Universal Frimware Patcher for Protected Garmins" isn't THAT Universal.. ??

I already have a Nuvi 2597LMT, but on READING ONE OF THE MANY the posts was eluded to the fact that a Nuvi 2595LMT was easy to load unlocked maps.. so I Kneejerked and bought a cheapy from Ebay.. (UK) (Oops)

an old post and my purchased unit has been updated apparently so chances are I won't be able to just load the Unlocked - City Navigator North America NT Map (Available here) to a SD Card... also purchased and it then work.!!! - Grrrrr..
Thinking it was universal I have trawled and found these two files...
1. Nuvi 25x9 (1758) fw8.80.rar
2. nuvi25x9_880.gcd
But further reading... I'm guessing the (1758) is the HIW and it MUST match my device.??? the second one, does not show even the HIW so I'm guessing that would be useless to me also..? - Don't quite undertsand that yet, again if you have a universal tool..

Do I just get the info a LOT of people post on here (Part Number, Software Version Etc.) and hope it's already got a patched firmware developed out there somewhere or do you find info & files from OLD Posts on your server..?? Only a LOT of links don't work or are dead now.
I realise it's an older model and I bought it cheaply in case I bricked it. I'm not totally new to this I had an old 520 years ago and I managed to get U.K & U.S Maps on it the lot. It was stolen out of my car..! So I know about the naming GMapSupp & .IMG , mapsource etc, etc. well I did.
I just want this one for a trip to the U.S, so it's a U.K 2595lmt version with U.K & Europe. on it currently. Just want to add N.America to an SD Card..
I thought it was going to be a LOT easier than it seems now. Just wondering if it can be done now or I'm too late for files/fixes. I've PM'd you rather than put an OLD Unit Info. request into the 67 Pg. obviously evolving thread..
Any help/advice would be appreciated. - I don't have the unit yet.
if it's really difficult I'll just get another from the states, with it all on.

Thanks Couttsy