Hi, I recently bought new maps from navi extras for my alpine blackbird 200. During the update something happened and I don't have a backup of the device. (It won't recognise the backup)
When I boot the device it goes to the menu with the choices for windows ce, start igo, test modes etc. When I choose igo it starts the alpine boot but then says there are no language files installed.
Naviextras no longer sees the device when plugged in so I can update it, even if that would work.
I was reading the threads on igo installation and tried the guide here. http://www.navitotal.com/showthread.php?3521-Guide-to-install-iGO-Primo-on-devices-with-Windows-CE-core.
I copied all the files across but it made no change. Can someone tell me how to get my blackbird to the point where I can get naviextras to update it or point me to a really detailed guide on how to install igo onto the unit. It is still working fine, I've just never played much with this so not sure if I'm missing something or need to rename files for the alpine unit to see the new installation.
Would really appreciate the help.