Alpine INA-W910R update fails   

Alpine INA-W910R update fails

Postby dan_73 » Mon Apr 14, 2014 11:40 am

Good morning everybody.
Two months ago I have bought an Alpine INA-W910R and I have tried to perform the free maps updates using the Alpine update tool.
This tool (recently updated on Alpine website) is supposed to copy all maps and settings from the radio to the SD card. According to Alpine the SD Card will now be used as default media.
I have launched the update with a new SD card, all maps have been copied on the SD, but at the end of the process I have got an error :
Copy: \SDMMC\autorun\backup\ OK
Copy: \FlashDrive\Alpine\AlpineNavi.exe.APN FAILED (copy:copy(tmp))
Copy: \SDMMC\autorun\run\AlpineAUTORUN.inf.APN OK
Copy: \SDMMC\autorun\Backup\sys.txt.APN OK

Since this error I can't launch any more my navigation. My MAP button and NaviMenu button do not have any effect.
I have also tried to restore previous backup : Unable to perform :(

The French Alpine support is very poor (and my words are light) they only purpose me to return the radio :(

I hope it is a minor problem only linked with this error of Alpinenavi.exe which has failed.
But is there any way to copy manually this file ? or to repair my navigation ?
I have tried to perform the update a second time, but always the same error.

If anyone can help me, it will be great.

Thank you

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Re: Alpine INA-W910R update fails

Postby Ian13 » Mon Apr 14, 2014 10:42 pm

I have a ina-W920R and have had the same problem. Mine now boots into Windows CE6 and just sits there. I tried launching the AlpineNavi on the Flash Drive but it just says it is not a valid windows ce file. Have installed Primo 2.4 on SD card which you can see in windows ce and can launch it and it runs.

Next step is to copy the whole flash drive and substitute the AlpineNavi.exe with a renamed Primo 2.4 exe.

I will see what happens.

If you want to get to the windows ce system you need a AlpineNavi.exe file on your memory stick that is ZERO BYTES and it loads it and then crashes the system.

Mine got stuck in the update process and the micro sd card failed so I think that is where the duff AlpineNavi.exe file came from which the synctool tried to install and then crashed.

I have also tried reloading the backup which it does and then reports that it in not a valid windows ce file. So wonder where it came from.
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Re: Alpine INA-W910R update fails

Postby dan_73 » Tue Apr 15, 2014 7:19 am

How did you boot into Windows CE ?
Is there any way to boot on Windows CE with a SD card using autorun ?

Today I'd like to see why the update.log says :
Copy: \FlashDrive\Alpine\AlpineNavi.exe.APN FAILED (copy:copy(tmp))

Can you explain :"If you want to get to the windows ce system you need a AlpineNavi.exe file on your memory stick that is ZERO BYTES and it loads it and then crashes the system".
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Re: Alpine INA-W910R update fails

Postby nabi » Tue Apr 15, 2014 7:26 am

dan_73 wrote:Can you explain :"If you want to get to the windows ce system you need a AlpineNavi.exe file on your memory stick that is ZERO BYTES and it loads it and then crashes the system".

I am not familiar with Alpine systems (nor any other car navigation system) but at least I can help you with this.
It's as simple as:
(1) make an empty .txt file in notepad,
(2) save it as empty.txt,
(3) rename it to AlpineNavi.exe,
(4) copy AlpineNavi.exe to your memory stick.

Now thinking of this:
What would happen if AlpineNavi.exe would be a script file, doing nothing else than just starting Primo from SS/MemoryStick ?
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Re: Alpine INA-W910R update fails

Postby dan_73 » Tue Apr 15, 2014 8:12 am

Before the update (that fails) the AlpineNavi.exe stored on the radio has these properties :


During the update process, the new AlpineNAvi.exe (stored on the SD card) have these properties

We can see that they are very different.
the 1st seems to be a IGO.exe renamed, but not the update.

According to the update.log, the update process can't copy this new AlpineNavi.exe into the radio
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Re: Alpine INA-W910R update fails

Postby Bricoman » Sun May 11, 2014 2:08 pm

Hi every one,

Sorry for my very bad english !
I've an Alpine INA-W910R since 08/2013, updates on Naviextras on SDcard 8GB are OK with "20120814_synctool_rc".
No problems for updating 2-DIN before 02/2014, W910R run fine before these date.
With new SyncTool 02/2014 "Map_Update_Tool_Synctool_070214", impossible with SD card 16 GB for doing update,
update with Naviextras always perfect on computer, but always error for doing update with 2-DIN. :022:
GPS inside after test updates don't run, go to Alpine France for free repair, come back home after 2 weeks for run fine.
Alpine France said : electronic card inside broken, no, after new message, just updating your Sd card 16 GB and update OK.
Before 02/2014, updates are written with SD card 8 GB on flash drive internal, after W910R read updates on the SD card 16 GB.
The new SyncTool is a problen for updating GPS inside (IGO Primo Win CE 5.0). :thumbdown:
Much peoples are the same problem, conctact Alpine for repair your W910R.

Best regards

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Re: Alpine INA-W910R update fails

Postby dan_73 » Sun May 11, 2014 3:41 pm

Hi Bricoman
Where are you from ? Are you french like me ?
I have an INA-W910R and I also have the same trouble with the last update which kills my navigation.
Can you please tell me more about this update that kills your GPS ?
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