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Mapchanger for Alpine S920

Fri Aug 01, 2014 11:59 pm

I have two cars, it has two original IGO primo map. The first car (X) uses Alpine INE-S920 and it uses HERE map provider with his primo. And my second car (Y) uses OEM and it uses M3GPS Navigasi/MFM Provider.
The problem is the first car (X) has really old map and wrong POI / Lane .. i already ask the Naviextras to buy a new map but they said it's already up to date. :focus:

so, how to copy a map from car Y to car X. The Alpine S920 uses Sync tool and i have no idea to replace it. :lol:
i already make an effort by copying the car Y map into the car X, the map is read on about page but it can't be loaded it is said that content is not active

Please help

Re: Mapchanger for Alpine S920

Sat Aug 02, 2014 7:10 am

It's a license matter. But license is connected to the program so you must at least change program and licenses, preferably replace with free exe and license files.

What Primo is on X and on Y ?
If they are the same, it could be easy :033:

A warning !!! don't do anything without backups!!!!!!!!!

Re: Mapchanger for Alpine S920

Sun Aug 03, 2014 2:48 am

Hi Nabi :), unfortunately both X and Y has different version
Primo X is 9.6.5
Primo Y is 9.6.10

btw i already bought the micros sd that contains same map and primo version like my X car. The problem is how to copy this micro sd content into the car Y. Since, Alpine S920 uses Synctool and has no way to access the CE explorer unless somebody tell me how to inject script.
i have an idea like this
  • i will backup the content of my Alpine using Naviextras
  • i will replace the backup version on the micros sd synctool using my primo X micro sd
  • I will run sync tool and hope that can replace the version using the sync tool

is it possible? my sense said that is not possible since the backup on sync tool only provide portion of the installation , please help

Re: Mapchanger for Alpine S920

Sun Aug 03, 2014 7:33 am

I really have no idea. I don't know all tricks and software that is available.
What I would try first is a new blank and cheap SD, copy the software and maps onto that one and try. Do not copy the device.nng file because that one is related to anti-copy. Question is how the device software will handle things.
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