my advice : don't waste your time on it, it's not worth it.
I was lucky to found about 15 uesd Alpine GPS' in a box that was going to be recycled. I had 2 PMD-100, a couple off PMD-B200 first version (which is the one you have), and 10 PMD-B200 second version (with an alpine version off the software from IGO8).
the second version was easy, once cracked as mentionned above, I could run the WinCE on it and had the entire flash drive at my disposal and then I just had to make a map called "Alpine" with an .exe called
"AlpineNavi.exe" which would be the .exe from the software you want to put on it. I tried IGO8, Primo 1.1 and Primo 1.2 and they all work perfcet. You can not run Primo 2.0, the cpu can not handle it.
the PMD-100 where almost as easy to get acces to the flashdrive/WinCE, except it's got a much more complicated file-structure and I couldn't get it to work to start the software automaticaly. I was able to get the IGO Amigo programme on it (that was the only IGO that worked , then start it up to WinCE and manualy go the the IGO.exe to start the GPS. However, every time you start it up, you'd have to block the device from starting up normaly (with a certain button combination, but can't remember for now), and if you'd forgot, it automaticaly goes into map-update and if it does, it automaticaly deletes the flash to prepare it for a mapupdate. so you could not use it until you got home and re-install everything again.
the PMD-B200 v1 has the exact same software as the 100, but I couldn't get it into WinCE. the flash memory is devided into 4 partitions, each partition having it's own purpose (software, maps, voice and settings I believe it was) and if you start it up, the startup-files automaticaly find out that there are no maps on it and goes into mapupdate, and deletes lot's of stuff you putted on it like in the 100). So you'd have to be able to re-write the startup-files within WinCE and find a way to keep them saved, but first you need to find a way to get into WinCE. it's a vicous circle (at least for my knowledge

from what I can make off now of what I had written on a piece of paper I still have :in the 100, there was this :
partition 2 had the maps
I believe partition 3 had \Music\Pocketmap\Navigator\AlpineNavi.exe
I tried to put on a complete software update from another Alpine device, and everything went on it, but off course the device never started up again, so don't try that

I'm curious as to where you dound the 2.0 software update ? is it the complete full install, or just an update ? if it's the 2nd : it won't work ;-) . if it's the first, got any link ?