Working unlock for PMD-B200P.   

Working unlock for PMD-B200P.

Postby n8mor » Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:13 pm

yesterday i received an alpine PMD-B200P at my shop to unlock it, i look everywhere and nothing, so i decided to do my first step :o

i downloaded the firmware update from alpine website, i looked at files, and voila.

rename your script (Mio Pocket or anyone) to NaviUpdate.exe

or create a mortscript with the following line


i will post later a package ready to use. this is maybe working on the B100 or other alpine products.

im also requesting help to create another effective mortscript to kill "PocketMap Navigator.exe" before launching explorer.exe because the original navigator software uses the com7 port.
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Postby Fatboyfun » Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:27 pm


Kill ("PocketMapNavigator.exe")

To the script, You must have Toolhelp.dll on your device to use process based commands, It will be in the Windows directory, if not take it from Miopocket and place it in the same directory as Mortscript.exe, There is a different version for WinCE6
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Postby ik8ozv » Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:09 pm

Is there a possibility to update the Navigation Maps and Program?
I've tried but when i plug the PMD-B200P into the AutoRadio an
Alpine IVA D-106R, the Volume disappears.
I cannot hear even the click when i tap on the display.
It is like that there has to be something with the audio driver
if it exsist.
Any help please?
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Postby janbros » Sat Nov 03, 2012 3:06 pm

to unlock the PMD-B200P (the "second" version with Alpine's own version of IGO), you need to reset it, hold the up arrow when powering on. then when the update screen appears, reset it again and this time you need to hold the music button when powering up.normaly this works. if it doesn't (sometimes it doesn't, I don't know why), restart the whole procedure).

then you get a screen where you can choose to launch the satnav, WinCE, update, ... at the right bottom, there is a button "enable/disable menu" . if you set it to enable menu, everytime the unit is powered on you will come to this screen.

I am running this unit now with IGO8 and it works great.
- just empty the "flashdrive". if it's not visible, go to "control panel", "storage manager", select "IDE hard disk", on the right panel, select "properties" and then select "mount". and close all windows.
- copy the IGO map to the flashdrive and rename it "Alpine"
- in the Alpine folder, rename the IGO.exe to AlpineNavi.exe and you are ready to go :dance:
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Postby SnackMasterX » Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:27 pm


I know this thread is kind of old but I just bought a PMD-B200 (American version) and I am trying to unlock it. I tried this method but with no success. It seems to be stuck trying to run map updates. Granted it was stuck in that state previously due to a failed attempt at a mortscript which only had:

Kill ("PocketMapNavigator.exe")

I tried using MioPocket 4.0 and putting the Media and MioAutoRun folders on the available storage once the map update mode was active and then renamed MioAutoRun.exe to NaviUpdate.exe with no success. Was there something different you did on your method?

Thanks in Advance!
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Postby janbros » Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:23 am

I also had a couple off your PMD-B200's (the first version) and gave up. there is no way to make them work.

my tip above was for the second version with the alpine/igo-software on it.
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Postby SnackMasterX » Mon Apr 22, 2013 12:00 pm

Second version, what do you mean? The PMD-B200P or is this a software thing?

From what I can tell a software update was never released for the american version (go figure) but I'm wondering if I can force some other type of software update on there, like for the NVE-P1 or PMD-B200P. If I knew the directory structure and file names I would probably have a good chance of making this happen work with that I have right now. At the moment it seems to be locked into map update mode. In theory if the update application is a separate exe I could just run a mortscript to kill that application and then I can hope for the best, already have something which is supposed to run explorer.exe and MioPocket. I believe it might be running those scripts as well because after adding the script which runs explorer.exe I now see my unit flash a white screen before opening the alpine software and then after having one which opens the MioPocket software I noticed the alpine update software is running a little slower, I think they're open in the background and I just can't figure out how to kill the alpine software.

My only other option to make this functional again is to create a mortscript to delete all data I've transferred to the device but without a better understanding of how the alpine update process works this could be potentially dangerous as I might accidentally delete system files or other files unintentionally.
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Postby SnackMasterX » Mon Apr 22, 2013 12:38 pm

So I found the 2.0 software update, I'll see if there's a way to force it onto my PMD-B200.

Also out of curiosity, on the back of the PMD-B200P, does it says it's also Windows CE 4.2 .NET or is it a different version?

If someone is able to help me figure out file structure and file names I would appreciate it :)
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Postby janbros » Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:46 pm

my advice : don't waste your time on it, it's not worth it.

I was lucky to found about 15 uesd Alpine GPS' in a box that was going to be recycled. I had 2 PMD-100, a couple off PMD-B200 first version (which is the one you have), and 10 PMD-B200 second version (with an alpine version off the software from IGO8).

the second version was easy, once cracked as mentionned above, I could run the WinCE on it and had the entire flash drive at my disposal and then I just had to make a map called "Alpine" with an .exe called
"AlpineNavi.exe" which would be the .exe from the software you want to put on it. I tried IGO8, Primo 1.1 and Primo 1.2 and they all work perfcet. You can not run Primo 2.0, the cpu can not handle it.

the PMD-100 where almost as easy to get acces to the flashdrive/WinCE, except it's got a much more complicated file-structure and I couldn't get it to work to start the software automaticaly. I was able to get the IGO Amigo programme on it (that was the only IGO that worked , then start it up to WinCE and manualy go the the IGO.exe to start the GPS. However, every time you start it up, you'd have to block the device from starting up normaly (with a certain button combination, but can't remember for now), and if you'd forgot, it automaticaly goes into map-update and if it does, it automaticaly deletes the flash to prepare it for a mapupdate. so you could not use it until you got home and re-install everything again.

the PMD-B200 v1 has the exact same software as the 100, but I couldn't get it into WinCE. the flash memory is devided into 4 partitions, each partition having it's own purpose (software, maps, voice and settings I believe it was) and if you start it up, the startup-files automaticaly find out that there are no maps on it and goes into mapupdate, and deletes lot's of stuff you putted on it like in the 100). So you'd have to be able to re-write the startup-files within WinCE and find a way to keep them saved, but first you need to find a way to get into WinCE. it's a vicous circle (at least for my knowledge :think:)

from what I can make off now of what I had written on a piece of paper I still have :in the 100, there was this :
partition 2 had the maps
I believe partition 3 had \Music\Pocketmap\Navigator\AlpineNavi.exe

I tried to put on a complete software update from another Alpine device, and everything went on it, but off course the device never started up again, so don't try that :doh::)

I'm curious as to where you dound the 2.0 software update ? is it the complete full install, or just an update ? if it's the 2nd : it won't work ;-) . if it's the first, got any link ?
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Postby SnackMasterX » Mon Apr 22, 2013 8:01 pm

It was just the second, I was thinking of just trying to update it, any idea why it doesn't work? Do you still have any extra PMD-B200's with the version 2.0? How did you find them? I've tried looking all over for other models but I'm pretty sure my "free country" censors the heck out of our internet... anyway getting back on topic here, if I can manage to find an SD card I'm going to try to modify the update but if I end up sending it to Alpine for repair I might ask if they can put the 2.0 software version on there or something. Something I'm wondering is if there are hardware differences between the PMD-B200 (american version) and PMD-B200P (I believe the European version) that might cause potential problems. I wish I could get a full update including maps and all because I wasn't aware it would delete data before receiving new data, <sarcasm> it was an awesome idea on Alpines part. </sarcasm>

I'll do some more experimentation later and see what I can manage, wish I could just find a PMD-B200(P) with the version 2.0 of alpines software, I just want to use MioPocket and throw it into my IVE-W505 and be good to go.
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Postby janbros » Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:47 pm

I still have a couple v2.0, but only the GPS, no adapters, cables or anything.

but by deleting the alpine software, everything else is also deleted : it now is a simple GPS, even the button's on, the right do not work anymore, no bluetooth, ...

internaly, as far as I can tell, v1 and v2 are ecactly the same
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Postby SnackMasterX » Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:16 pm

I'm able to get my device to update mode but with no SD Card I can't test what happens if I try to load the update, maybe I could get it 2.0 and gain access to Windows CE?
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Postby ROCNDAV » Tue Jun 25, 2013 8:18 pm

Have you made any progress?
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Postby Solrac77 » Sun Nov 03, 2013 11:58 pm


Can any one help me with the licence for the maps (navteq 2013 Q2) in my gps. I have iGo 8.3.1 and the 2009 maps, and need to update.
When i put the new maps it doesn't recognize them
Can any one give me a tip to solve this?

Best regards
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Postby nabi » Mon Nov 04, 2013 1:06 pm

You need to update the software.
Therefor, you have the choice to OR replace the exe file and the license folder only with the same but 'cured' iGO OR you can replace the whole program by a newer build.

Now of course we need to know
- what is your current iGO build exactly?
- OR what are your device specifications (memory, resolution, ...) so someone can provide a suitable build.
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