Working unlock for PMD-B200P.   

Postby Solrac77 » Mon Nov 04, 2013 1:10 pm

My device is a Alpine PMD-B200P V2.0

Thank for your help.

The version of the iGo is
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Postby janbros » Mon Nov 04, 2013 5:11 pm

I've tried IGO8, Primo 1.1 and Primo 1.2 and they all work.

downside if you replace the software is :
- it becomes an ordinary GPS without the extra Alpine features
- if you disable the menu, it is hard to get back in windows , imposible without a PC. therefor I run Primo, because you can put "external programes" on the flash drive and have aces to windows like that.

the GPS has 64mb ram , an internal flash drive of 4GB and an SD-card slot. it doesn't have a very fast cpu, but if you disable all the "extra's" like buildings etc and just run it as a simple GPS, Primo runs fine.
IGO8 has one problem : if the speedcam-file is too big, it hangs on startop.
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Postby nabi » Mon Nov 04, 2013 5:45 pm

Use a different/newer iGO or Primo is a choice you have to make. That way you can enjoy new features etc, or stick to what you have now.
And: as long as you stick to (a cracked !!) iGO 8.3.1 as a replacement you can keep the original and and won't loose the Alpine features. Problem to find a 8.3.1 build. Only 'cured' ones have the licenses that enable the newest maps.

It's a fact that large speedcam files need lots of memory. Stick to what you need and you won't have problems. Why need cams for countries you never visit? That said, I never had any problems with a 64MB device and a full Europe fix+mobile speedcam file. I am not sure if I ever used the full world (!) database but I repeat: no problem with large sc files. When needed, you can always ask someone to compile the txt file to a spdb file and use that, it saves the compilation. Or you can compile it on a different device with iGO (not Primo - difference in spdb files!) and then use that file.
However a thought, I believe the B200P has a 7" screen, which uses up a big part of the available memory. Okay, that might be the problem.
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Postby Solrac77 » Mon Nov 04, 2013 5:52 pm


Thank's for all your's help.
Can you tell me where to find a 'cured' 8.3.1 ?

Best regards.
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Postby nabi » Mon Nov 04, 2013 6:42 pm

I have none on my Hard Disk. Well, one. Very very old, one of the first ones. Sorry. Maybe someone else can provide??
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Postby Solrac77 » Mon Nov 04, 2013 6:58 pm

Can someone point me a iGo 8.3.1 ?

Best regards.
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Postby nabi » Tue Nov 05, 2013 8:01 pm

No, I can't, but look here for a Primo :
If the link is dead, PM mikyhouse55. He is a regular visitor.
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Postby ik8ozv » Fri Dec 27, 2013 2:53 pm

Is there anybody that had success?
I have tried either to update the existing Igo8 and also unlocking it, but
i cannot get success when i attach it to the source.
I mean if i use the pmd just as portable so it works great but as i attch it to th source,
in my case an Alpine IVA-D106R Autoradio, i get the audio missing.
Anybody can help me to solve theproblem?
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Re: Working unlock for PMD-B200P.

Postby ik8ozv » Thu May 14, 2015 9:10 am

Is there a possibility to update the Navigation Maps and Program?
I've tried but when i plug the PMD-B200P into the AutoRadio an
Alpine IVA D-106R, the Volume disappears.
I cannot hear even the click when i tap on the display.
Anybody has solved it?
Any help please?
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