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And I have manage to get the tomtom folder from internal/sd-card memory to /storage/extSdCard and run the apk file from this path to.
Requirements: Android version 2.2+
Also a' BIG THANKS to my SUPER-TEST-USERS, they know who they are so THANKS

[size=100][color="#FF0000"][b]The new moderate apk support those path to replace inside the METADATA.XML file, just replace with your path where you have stored your "tomtom" folder.
Special thanks to pawel_1980[/color]
So..... big steps and great news now
[color="#FF0000"]On my Samsung Galaxy S3 I use the modded apk with this Europa metadata.xml file:[/color]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
[color="#FF0000"]<url location="file://storage/extSdCard/tomtom/com.tomtom.europe"/>[/color]
[color="#FF0000"]If Your Android Devise Run With Different Path From The Original Metadata.xml File Then Only Change This Line In Your METADATA.XML File[/color]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<url location="file:/[color="#FF0000"]/mnt/sdcard/[/color]tomtom/com.tomtom.europe"/>
[color="#FF0000"]TomTom Android Moderated v.1.0.1 All Full include TomTom.apk + metadata.xml + content/maps
All TomTom.apk are made easy to install, just unpack and copy the tomtom folder as it is in the root of SD-card or your external SD-card.
You can also copy the tomtom.apk file in the root of your SD-card or external SD-card where you place your tomtom folder
I have also "modded" the data and maps inside tomtom

With this build you DON'T NEED to turn your DATA OR WI-FI of anymore.
Also removed the license check with Google and "call home" to TomTom site
Run the apk and your done

NEW TomTom v.1.1
TomTom Europa v.1.1 cracked
Just install over version 1.0 or 1.01
Also the new apk support different path

The new TomTom support screen resolutions up to 1280x800[/color]
[color="#000000"]TomTom Android for any map 900.4602, you have to use AutoActivate.exe
(just be sure meta are released)
1. Copy SD-Content to external SD-Card
2. copy any map you want to use v900.4602 (if meta is released) to \tomtom\com.tomtom.europa\files
3. then run AutoactivateIT.exe in files directory to activate ALL maps (be sure to use latest meta.txt if needed in same directory with .exe)
4. Install TomTom.apk file
5. after first run tomtom will ask you what map you want to use

[color="#0000FF"]Also look to this post if you still use the "old" maps from previous upload
This are important info from 2 of the super-beta-testers in this tread

Originally Posted by bloodraft View Post
Hi,ScorpioPirate ....
I want to give you my feedback for tomtom europe: When i install all your files in my internal sdcard ,tomtom forces closed and reboot itself permanently , BUT I found a way to make it works!:
1- In the folder "files/VAutoTTS" , you have to delete two files :Vauto.Paulina.version and Vauto.Samantha.version
2- in the folder "files/VAutoTTS/languages", you have to delete two folders : ENU and SPM
After that tomtom works like a charm! (if i try to put them back,all goes wrong!)
Hope this will be usefull for someone,
Thanks for you work...if you want,i'll be glad to beta test, Have a good day...
J.P. wrote:Hi ScorpioPirate.
When i use the test version from europe i didn't need the meta file i also remove the curentmap file.
When i install the tomtom apk from the extSdCard it make a new curenmap file with the /storage/sdcard0/tomtom/com.tomtom.europe/files/Europe/ in it.
So i use you tomtom program without the metafile ans and works ok.
Everything works ok.
I hope that when the new tomtom update come's for the high screens (galaxy s3) that you make a new version too.
Thanks for yoyr work and have a good hollyday, you earn it.
Sorry for my bad english...
Greets Jan,...
[/color]Also this post from 3 users
1. Did NOT uninstall existing v1.0 (1072278), since I had favorites etc.
2. Copy on SD card only needed .apk
3. Installed over
4. Now I have v.1.0.1 (1107790), no issues, all favorites stays safe as it is
[color="#006400"]!!If you have install tomtom v.1.0.apk, and want tomtom v.10.1.apk, then just Install the new version over, to keep your favorites stays as it is, no issues with that to!![/color]
[color="#FF0000"]Attention!!!!! About new map 900.4602 Copy this new map inside tomtom/files so you have 2 maps, then delete currentmap.dat in tomtom/files.
Install the new provided modded tomtom apk.
Run TomTom.... and you can choose between the 2 maps (currentmap.dat) come back again.
Every time you delete currentmap.dat you have have to choose what map you want to use.[/color]
[color="#0000FF"]TomTom Android v.1.1.1 patched with original Android maps 900.4617
Special thanks to pawel_1980

This version only works with this provide maps

Install info:
Unpack and copy tomtom folder to extern sd-card
Also copy tomtom.apk to extern sd-card
Instal the tomtom apk.
With this version you can use data and internet, tomtom don't call "home"
Just instal and drive safely guy's.
Happy Christmas To All

[color="#0000FF"]TomTom Android Australia v.1.0.1 (size 303MB)[/color]

[color="#0000FF"][color="#FF0000"]NEW[/color] TomTom Android Australia v.1.1.1 patched with originals maps 900.4617()[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]TomTom Android Benelux v.1.0.1 (size 452MB )[/color]

[color="#0000FF"][color="#FF0000"]NEW[/color] TomTom Android Benelux v.1.1.1 patched with originals maps 900.4617()[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]TomTom Android Brazil v.1.0.1 (size 283MB)[/color]

[color="#0000FF"][color="#FF0000"]NEW[/color] TomTom Android Brazil v.1.1.1 patched with originals maps 900.4617()[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]TomTom Android Canada Alaska v.1.0.1 (size 347MB)[/color]

[color="#0000FF"][color="#FF0000"]NEW[/color] TomTom Android Canada Alaska v.1.1.1 patched with originals maps 900.4617()[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]TomTom Android D-A-CH v.1.0.1 (size 678MB)[/color]

[color="#0000FF"][color="#FF0000"]NEW[/color] TomTom Android D-A-CH v.1.1.1 patched with originals maps 900.4617()[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]TomTom Android Eastern Europa v.1.0.1 (size 755MB)[/color]

[color="#0000FF"][color="#FF0000"]NEW[/color] TomTom Android Eastern Europa v.1.1.1 patched with originals maps 900.4617()[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]TomTom Android Europa v.1.0.1 (size 3.07GB)[/color]

[color="#0000FF"][size=150][color="#FF0000"]NEW[/color] TomTom Android Europa v.1.1 Only the TomTom.apk(size 28,5MB)[/color][/size]

[color="#0000FF"][size=150][color="#FF0000"]NEW[/color]TomTom_Android_Europa_mod_900_4602_v1.1.rar incl. tomtom v.1.1 modded apk (3.12GB)[/color][/size]

[color="#0000FF"][color="#FF0000"]NEW[/color] TomTom Android Europa v.1.1.1 patched with originals maps 900.4617()[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]TomTom Android France v.1.0.1 (size 557MB)[/color]

[color="#0000FF"][color="#FF0000"]NEW[/color] TomTom Android France v.1.1.1 patched with originals maps 900.4617()[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]TomTom Android Greece v.1.0.1 (size 237MB)[/color]

[color="#0000FF"][color="#FF0000"]NEW[/color] TomTom Android Greece v.1.1.1 patched with originals maps 900.4617()[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]TomTom Android Iberia v.1.0.1 (size 524MB)[/color]

[color="#0000FF"][color="#FF0000"]NEW[/color] TomTom Android Iberia v.1.1.1 patched with originals maps 900.4617()[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]TomTom Android Italia v.1.0.1 (size 492MB)[/color]

[color="#0000FF"][color="#FF0000"]NEW[/color] TomTom Android Italy v.1.1.1 patched with originals maps 900.4617()[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]TomTom Android Mexico v.1.0.1 (size 232MB)[/color]

[color="#0000FF"][color="#FF0000"]NEW[/color] TomTom Android Mexico v.1.1.1 patched with originals maps 900.4617()[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]TomTom Android New Zealand v.1.0.1 (size 217MB)[/color]

[color="#0000FF"][color="#FF0000"]NEW[/color] TomTom Android New Zealand v.1.1.1 patched with originals maps 900.4617()[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]TomTom Android Nordic v.1.0.1 (size 529MB)[/color]

[color="#0000FF"][color="#FF0000"]NEW[/color] TomTom Android Nordic v.1.1.1 patched with originals maps 900.4617()[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]TomTom Android Russia Baltics Finland v.1.0.1 (size 540MB)[/color]

[color="#0000FF"][color="#FF0000"]NEW[/color] TomTom Android Russia-Baltic-Finland v.1.1.1 patched with originals maps 900.4617()[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]TomTom Android South Africa v.1.0.1 (size 260MB)[/color]

[color="#0000FF"][color="#FF0000"]NEW[/color] TomTom Android South Africa v.1.1.1 patched with originals maps 900.4617()[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]TomTom Android Poland v.1.0.1 (size 1.17GB)[/color]

[color="#0000FF"][color="#FF0000"]NEW[/color] TomTom Android Poland v.1.1.1 patched with originals maps 900.4617()[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]TomTom Android South East Asia v.1.0.1 (size 307MB)[/color]

[color="#0000FF"][color="#FF0000"]NEW[/color] TomTom Android Southeast Asia v.1.1.1 patched with originals maps 900.4617()[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]TomTom Android Turkey v.1.0.1 (size 272MB)[/color]

[color="#0000FF"][color="#FF0000"]NEW[/color] TomTom Android Turkey v.1.1.1 patched with originals maps 900.4617()[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]TomTom Android UK Ireland v.1.0.1 (size 350MB)[/color]

[color="#0000FF"][color="#FF0000"]NEW[/color] TomTom Android UK-Ireland v.1.1.1 patched with originals maps 900.4617()[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]TomTom Android US-Canada v.1.0.1 (size 1.88GB)[/color]

[color="#0000FF"][color="#FF0000"]NEW[/color] TomTom Android US-Canada v.1.1.1 patched with originals maps 900.4617()[/color]

[color="#0000FF"][color="#FF0000"]NEW[/color] TomTom Android US-Canada-Mexico v.1.1.1 patched with originals maps 900.4617()[/color]

[color="#0000FF"][color="#FF0000"]NEW[/color] TomTom Android US 2 GB v.1.1.1 patched with originals maps 900.4617()[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]TomTom Android West-Europa v.1.0.1 (size 2.44GB)[/color]

[color="#0000FF"][color="#FF0000"]NEW[/color] TomTom Android West Europa v.1.1.1 patched with originals maps 900.4617()[/color]


[color="#FF0000"]Android Sygic Aura v.12.1.3 Software[/color]
How To Do So It Runs And work Proper.
First Option
Install Sygic Trial And Active As Trail: Sygic_Aura_12.1.3_Trial.Apk
Download Base-files And What Regions-Map You Want To Use Via Wi-Fi.
""Use Explore TO Find The Folder "Sygic""
Uninstall Sygic_Aura_12.1.3_Trial.Apk From Your Android Unit.
Find The Folder "Sygics" That You Rename From "Sygic"
Rename It Back To "Sygic" Again.
Now Install Sygic_Aura_12.1.3_ScorpioPirate.Apk
""Sygic_Aura_12.1.3_ScorpioPirate.Apk are The Cracket One""
Run Sygic
Second Option
NOTE!!! If You One Time Have Try-out Sygic 12.1.3 As Trial
You Have Only The Option To Download The Base-files And Nothing Else!!!
First Install Sygic_Aura_12.1.3_Trial.Apk
Download The Base-files.
Rename The Folder "Sygic" To "Sygics"
Uninstall Sygic_Aura_12.1.3_Trial.Apk
Start Sygic Map Downloader To Download What You Want Or Download The Maps From My Torrent Here
Maps Are Stored As Sygic/Aura/Maps In "Sygic Maps Downloader"
Put The Downloaded Maps As It Is "Maps" In "Sygics" Folder
Rename The Folder "Sygics" Back To "Sygic" Again
Now Install Sygic_Aura_12.1.3_ScorpioPirate.Apk
Making a' Account In Gmail Or Hotmail Account And You Can Activate Traffic-live In Your Android Device
The Structure You Must Have Look Like This:
Sygic/ Android, Maps, Res and a' File Called version
Now Run Sygic And Drive Safely Guy's

[color="#0000FF"]Sygic Aura v.12.1.3 Trial + Sygic Aura v.12.1.3 Cracket + Sygic Map-Downloader[/color]

[color="#FF0000"]Sygic Android 2013 Q1 Maps From All The World[/color]
[color="#0000FF"]Sygic Aura Europa Maps 2013 Q1 Maps (size 3.77GB)[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]Sygic Aura North America 2013 Q1 Maps (size 3.77GB)[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]Sygic Aura Middle East 2013 Q1 Maps[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]Sygic Aura Australia and New Zealand 2013 Q1 Maps[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]Sygic Aura South America 2013 Q1 Maps[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]Sygic Aura Asia 2013 Q1 Maps[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]Sygic Aura Africa 2013 Q1 Maps[/color]

NOTE!! If you can't get some Sygic Maps to working, then put this ini.files inside the Maps folder.
I have created a' special file that works with all regions and maps.
The ini.files are "Attached" in the end of this post
In some of the provide Regions/Maps they are missing

[color="#FF0000"]Navigon Android apk software, just install and download content and maps via wi-fi
[color="#0000FF"]Navigon 4.6.0 Europa (size 18.29MB)[/color]

[color="#0000FF"][color="#FF0000"]NEW[/color] Navigon 4.6.2 Europa (size 14.03MB)[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]Navigon 4.6.0 US-Canada (size 18.29MB)[/color]


[color="#FF0000"]iGO Android apk (coming soon)[/color]

[color="#FF0000"]Please Remember To Seed Back To Get Torrent Alive[/color]
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