Android iGO My Way Reborn Skin v1.5.5 EUR+ TTS Multi-Res   

Android iGO My Way Reborn Skin v1.5.5 EUR+ TTS Multi-Res

Postby bobroberts » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:31 am

This skin (aka My Amigo Skin) was originally made for Amigo on WM and was ported over to the Android platform. Credit goes to freddysam and mmarz for starting this skin. It is designed to look like the original iGO skin by default. Turn on the desired advanced features through the settings menu.


Skin -
PW: bobroberts
320x240: [Please Register or Login to download file]
Mirror: [Please Register or Login to download file]
400x240: [Please Register or Login to download file]
Mirror: [Please Register or Login to download file]
480x320: [Please Register or Login to download file]
Mirror: [Please Register or Login to download file]
800x480: [Please Register or Login to download file]
Mirror: [Please Register or Login to download file]
854x480: [Please Register or Login to download file]
Mirror: [Please Register or Login to download file]
960x540: [Please Register or Login to download file]
Mirror: [Please Register or Login to download file]
1024x600, 1280x800, 1280x720, 1024x768, 960x640: [Please Register or Login to download file]
Mirror: [Please Register or Login to download file]
(This will not fill the screen, but it is the best you can do until Reborn 2.0 comes out.)
Stretched: [Please Register or Login to download file]
Mirror: [Please Register or Login to download file]
(Special version that might stretch to fill your screen if you have android 3.2 and above. Only confirmed to work with 1280x800 so far)

480x272: [Please Register or Login to download file] (Very unfinished! If you are not going to work on this, consider using 400x240 instead)

The skin itself contains multiple sets of POI icons. You can change the icons individually by going to "More..." -> "Manage Places", or you can change the icons in bulk by using one of these branding.gro files:
Branding 2: [Please Register or Login to download file]
Branding 3: [Please Register or Login to download file]
If you want to revert back to the default POI icon set (Branding 1), use the branding.gro included with the skin or simply delete the branding.gro that you are using.

To install:
Replace your original data.gro with the included one and merge the iGO folder with the one on your SD card. If you are using iGO Thin, then you don't need root and all the files can be accessed on your SD card. If you are using regular iGO, you will need to replace the data.gro located here: /data/data/com.navngo.igo.javaclient/ as well as the audio folder which will require root.

Change Log: [Please Register or Login to download file]

Make signposts solid: [Please Register or Login to download file]

For Non-English Users
Speed Camera Voices: [Please Register or Login to download file]
TTS Speed Camera Voices v1.3: [Please Register or Login to download file]
(Includes 28 languages!)

Toolkit to edit the skin: [Please Register or Login to download file]
GROconverter turns the data.gro into a zip.
BMPconverter uncompresses the BMP images for editing.

To use the TTS features, you must have iGO My Way v8.4.3.179971 or newer.

How to add custom POI's using KML files:
&quot wrote:a) Copy the BMP file you want to use to iGO/content/userdata/usericon
b) Massage your KML as follows--just below the header telling what version of Google Earth KML add the following:

<name>(the name of your POI here as you want it to appear in iGO)</name>
<metadata><igoicon><filename>content\userdata\usericon\(poi BMP name.bmp)</filename></igoicon></metadata>
(it is "usericon" with no space, xda adds a space for some reason after I post)
c) Add your KML files to /iGO/content/userdata/poi

UPOI Editor will do this automagically, and for large sets of POIs at that--and it exports cleanly to KML that iGO will take natively, so I think we're fixed :D

Suggestions for icons--you'll need to do them in BMP format, 40x40 would appear to be the practical limit if the big "icon stacks" out of a standard branding.gro or data.gro file are anything to go by, though a lot of these are 32x32. Nmollet's PNG icons for Google Maps converted to BMP ([Please Register or Login to download file] ) work quite well in iGO once KML files have the appropriate headers, and these are just straight BMP conversions from a 32x37 PNG file.

More info: [Please Register or Login to download file]
Example KML: [Please Register or Login to download file]
The example POI is near N45.38762 E13.00259
Put that into the Long. & Lat, Select "Show on Map" -> "More Options" -> "Places Around Cursor"
It will be named "Lidl"

Multi-Via Navigation
Supports up to 80,000 Favorites
Favorites Organized By Categories
EUR+ TTS Speed Camera Alerts and Regular Alerts
Home/Work Shortcut Buttons
POI's Selectable on Map
Advanced Route Information/Manipulation
Shutdown at Destination
Multi-Language Support (including Hebrew)
Huge POI Icon Library
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Re: Android iGO My Way Reborn Skin v1.5.5 EUR+ TTS Multi-Res

Postby zmeutz » Sat Nov 05, 2016 9:28 pm

Can someone reupload the files?

Does someone have iGO8 480x272 for and Android 2.2 - GPS Device GoClever 510AW

It's running very slow with iGO9 Primo ...

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