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Igo on Google Nexus 7

Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:07 am

Can anyone tell me if it's possible to install Igo 8 or Igo Primo on the Google Nexus tablet. If so, can someone direct me to a live link and instructions, or even tell me if it's available for purchase as Google play doesn't have this. Thanks.

Tue Oct 09, 2012 7:03 am

iGo 8, no.
Primo Android...yes, but two choices:
1) Find a data.zip that someone has modified for your resolution (1280x800). No 'official' data.zip exists for this.
2) Stretch the display from the standard official 800x480 to your resolution by modifying sys.txt such as:

Which may not look so good on some devices.

Tue Oct 09, 2012 7:42 am

Hello again YT, hope you are well and thanks for your imput. As this tablet is still relatively new ( I am very impressed by it!! ) I will wait for future developments as I am sure that someone or navngo will have an app for it. As you know, I run your version of Primo on my Chinese unit in the car and it works like a dream, I wouldn't touch it or change anything on it except speedcam updates and is my prime navigator, I was thinking that Igo on my tablet would be a backup only so I can afford to wait. Thanks again.

Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:12 am

Thanks. {blush}

But it may be a long wait for NNG to release an 'official' multi-resolution version. Even TomTom has managed to release their brand new Android version while snubbing larger resolutions...much to the frustrations of many.
There are other Android GPS programs to try however.
Before Primo, I personally liked either CoPilot or Sygic (both available in this section). Whether they handle the larger resolutions, I can't testify to, but no harm in trying.

Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:48 am

Funny that, I did dowload a free limited CoPilot app, on initial setup it asked me for a CoPilot ID, I did have one from about three years back when I had CoPilot8 installed on my iPhone, which I tried and to my delight this unlocked all of the features for free. This does work well with the tablet's native resolution but would far prefer either Igo8 or Primo.

Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:08 pm

My son has the google nexus tablet and he did what YT said and his works fine
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