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Tue Mar 29, 2011 2:36 am

artfull wrote:Yes, turning ON wireless network will help you get satellite lock faster.

There is some trick to make GPS faster lock on your phone:
- Press *#*#1472365#*#* (FROYO => *#*#3214789650#*#*)
- Settings -> Parameter Settings -> Address -> Server Type: 1x MPC
- Settings -> Parameter Settings -> Position mode: option3
- Settings -> Fix Request Settings -> Session Operation: standalone---->server option : local
- back to menu -----> gpsOne XTRA -----> Xtra Enable -----> Enable.
- DONE !
To test it ==> select : commands get position start.....

to set Back to default :
- Settings -> Parameter Settings -> Address -> Server Type: UMTS SLP
- Settings -> Parameter Settings -> Position mode: option2
- Settings -> Fix Request Settings -> Session Operation: MS-based
- Settings -> Fix Request Settings -> Server Option: Default

I did that on froyo and i got a screen with Heading "LBSTESTMODE"

get position test
application settings
supl/cp settings
test application
delete gps data

which one should i chose i am using galaxy i9003. i hope this helps cause its takes very long to get a fix.

Tue Mar 29, 2011 3:32 pm

pappupager wrote:I did that on froyo and i got a screen with Heading "LBSTESTMODE"

get position test
application settings
supl/cp settings
test application
delete gps data

which one should i chose i am using galaxy i9003. i hope this helps cause its takes very long to get a fix.

I use Galaxy 5 with 2.1 is working but if Galaxy 5 upgrade to Froyo can be use this trick to go to "GpsSetup2" function:
[SIZE="3"][color="purple"][font="Century Gothic"]To use gps setup2 again make sure u have launcher pro installed.
then long press on homescreen > choose "shortcut" > choose "activity"

After a few seconds you'll get a long list of Applications. Scroll
down to GPSSetup2. Touch GPSSetup2, it'll expand to show more options.
From this expanded list, select the first option i.e GPSSetup2
(com.sec.android.app.GPSSetup2.GpsSetup). [/font][/color][/size]

That's it. You'll now have a shortcut to GpsSetup2 on the homescreen.

I also found some gps issue on Galaxy S here : [Please Register or Login to download file]

Fri Apr 01, 2011 1:48 am

Hi all,

I have compiled all the information I have found in this thread for Galaxy Tab. I managed to get X5 installed, showing the latest maps BUT no navigation. Can someone advice what went wrong?

Step by step Guide (X5 in English)

1. Download the free app "Spare Parts" from Android Market.
2. Install "Spare Parts" on the Galaxy Tab.
3. Uncheck the "Compatibility Mode" option.
4. Reboot the Galaxy Tab.
5. Download the APK2.2 from [Please Register or Login to download file]
6. Download the Main Program and Thailand maps from [Please Register or Login to download file]
7. Extract by clicking on File 1, and you will get a folder NaviTH.
8. Download the Happy file (NaviTH_Eclair_2.1) from [Please Register or Login to download file]
9. Replace the file libpapago.so under \NaviTH with the one from the Happy file.
10. Copy all the content to the SD card root directory including the APK and NaviTH directory.
11. Install Papago! X5 application by clicking on the APK file.
12. Switch "On" the GPS function on Galaxy Tab.
13. switch "On" for Use wireless network from Settings > Location and security.
14. Run Papago! X5
15. Choose the "Menu" (first on-screen button on the right) to goto Menu.
16. Choose the right arrow to goto the next page.
17. Choose Settings (the purple icon with the gear icon).
18. Choose the "UI Language" (second from top).
19. Choose the "English" (first from top).
20. Exit Papago! X5
21. Copy out the file "R51_SSC.hdr" (Map header file) from the directory \NaviTH\MapsAndroid_101103E_And_Z.
22. Replace the map files in the directory \NaviTH\MapsAndroid_101103E_And_Z
23. Copy back the file "R51_SSC.hdr" (Map header file) into the directory \NaviTH\MapsAndroid_101103E_And_Z.
24. Run Papago! X5


Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:06 am

Thanks Artfull for patiently giving all the guide :D
I'm succesfully install papago (indonesia map) on my galaxy mini using PAPAGO_X5IND_0806_WWEMarket.apk and map from first page.
now if i wanna add more map (e.g MY or Sing) can i just put them to map older or is there any other setting..?
thanks in advance for your kind help.

Sun Apr 03, 2011 7:08 am

hi i try to download the papago thai . apk , but many time i got few file , may i knwo how to make it into .apk file , i am new.

Sun Apr 03, 2011 12:26 pm

Need help here, i have installed papago X5 for Android malaysia map. it works fine only that it need to be register?! how is it.. is it i need crack libpapago? i can't find any available link so far.. can anyone help please?

Mon Apr 04, 2011 5:08 am

same here. I have downloaded the x5 software for MY/SG but its only for the trail version. I have to register to get the full one. Have been trying to find the libpapago.so file but to no avail.. anyone can help me out. Im using HTC incredible S on 2.2.1 version.
Please help... Really need to application to be up and running.

Mon Apr 04, 2011 6:03 pm

jas_85147 wrote:same here. I have downloaded the x5 software for MY/SG but its only for the trail version. I have to register to get the full one. Have been trying to find the libpapago.so file but to no avail.. anyone can help me out. Im using HTC incredible S on 2.2.1 version.
Please help... Really need to application to be up and running.

[ [Please Register or Login to download file] ]
[ [Please Register or Login to download file] ]
[ [Please Register or Login to download file] ]


Tue Apr 05, 2011 12:48 am

artfull wrote:Keep original map file R51_SSC.hdr from papago X5 Android (don't delete it).
Then Taiwan map file from M7 you can copy-replace on map folder papago X5 except file R51_SSC.hdr!

Hi Artfull,

i had install the M7 papago in my andriod 2.1, i had face problem. Force closs. pls advice

Tue Apr 05, 2011 1:57 am

hi. Artful.
i am newbie here. please help. I am using HTC magic.
I have tried install NaviIND and NaviTH, the crack not working on both. keep asking to register / trial. i already download all the crack ( happy file ) and none are working. thanks in advance

Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:40 am

have another question.
It takes a really really long time before papago X5 MY/SG is able to lock in my position on my HTC Incredible S.
Is there anyway to solve this issue.
I've tried "quickfix" from android market and also tried to change the "npt" in gps.conf but they both dont work. "gpsfix" from the market also deosen't work.

Also, is there a way to update the maps on X5 MY/SG to the latest one.
I used to use the iPhone and it gave me the latest till M8 and unfortunately my iPhone died.

Any suggeustions.

Tue Apr 05, 2011 11:35 am

i have installaed X5 for thailand. when i open only show PAPAGO front page then off itself.. can anyone help?

Tue Apr 05, 2011 12:24 pm

artfull wrote:[ [Please Register or Login to download file] ]
[ [Please Register or Login to download file] ]
[ [Please Register or Login to download file] ]


the libpapago.so not working.i copy and replace the libpapago.so file in the NaviSea folder.
then i install the apk file.
after that its show "the application PAPAGO!(Process com.mactiontech.x5SEA) has stop unexpectedly. Please try again.
im using Samsung Galaxy ace (Froyo 2.2.1)

Tue Apr 05, 2011 1:03 pm

positiveboyz wrote:hi. Artful.
i am newbie here. please help. I am using HTC magic.
I have tried install NaviIND and NaviTH, the crack not working on both. keep asking to register / trial. i already download all the crack ( happy file ) and none are working. thanks in advance

im facing the same thing too!
please help :(

Tue Apr 05, 2011 4:23 pm

ok, i follow the step by step instruction from TS.
everything was follow exactly.
im able to run the papago thailand version for the 1st time.
after replace the malaysia maps and the r51_ssc.hdr.
i kick out from the program start up when i run the 2nd time.

any guides?
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