Fatboyfun wrote:You get the speed cam + speed limit warning using TTS with the Dimka skin.
i tried that skin. but i cant get any warning no voice or audio. when i try ti test speedcam voice warning it does not give me anythink,
mariop1 wrote:i tried that skin. but i cant get any warning no voice or audio
mariop1 wrote:what i did i copied the textfor the english Uk
Yurbuh Tuggly wrote:Don't exactly know what you mean by that...you copied English text into a non-English file??
The speed is a variable in a string (such as "Speedcamera ahead, {XX} KPH") with the actual speed read from the maps at the GPS location where the speedcam physically is. Individual strings for every speed should not be required.
mariop1 wrote:instead of modify the language dictionary myself i copied the one available on the link that you provided. i modified the inglesh uk language.
mariop1 wrote:just last question what about sound warning how do activate them
Yurbuh Tuggly wrote:Still don't know exactly what you mean. No need to modify or change any ENGLISH files available on the first page of this thread...they are already done for all FDA, alerts, and diMka skins. If modified incorrectly, it could compromise/corrupt the voice file. From that point, the file is only used for reference by whatever main TTS voice you have installed on your device.
All available warnings are activated in the Sound and Warnings section(s) of the Settings.
blacktattoo wrote:I've got English voice langauge (Kate) selected but unfortunately Kate doesn't want to talk to me...
Yurbuh Tuggly wrote:Have you tried other voices?
And make sure the volume is all the way up on your device.
mariop1 wrote:hi
today i tried primo with diMka skins. when there is a speedcam it just says (speedcam ahead) it is possible to have the voice saying (speedcam 30 miles per hour or 40 miles per hour or what the speed limit is).
Fatboyfun wrote:This should work straight away, however, with the dimka skin installed, go to Settings -> Sound and Warnings -> TTS Pro -> Read Out Alert Points (Tick box and tap on the Play arrow) -> Tap on a camera -> Make sure both phrases are set to On and the Announce speed units is ticked, use the Voice warning test to confirm it's working, then tap back and repeat for each camera!
mariop1 wrote:the only things i can select in tts pro are: read out traffic and read out system messages. the rest are all gray and cannot be selected with serena tts voice.
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