Sygic Navigation 13.1.0 - Beta 2
How to install:Method 1:1. Install
Sygic 13.1.0 - Beta 2 - trial from here:
[Please Register or Login to download file] mirror:
[Please Register or Login to download file] 2. Start the application and downloads resources, etc.
3. Using a file explorer
rename folder
Sygic to
Sygic_14. Uninstall
Sygic 13.1.0 - Beta 2 - trial.
5. Install
Sygic 13.1.0 - Beta 2 - full from here:
[Please Register or Login to download file] mirror:
[Please Register or Login to download file] 6. Change folder name
Sygic_1 back to
7. Start Sygic application.
Method 2:1. Put on card
Sygic folder from this archive:
[Please Register or Login to download file] mirror:
[Please Register or Login to download file] 2. Copy into
Sygic/Maps folder desired maps.
3. Install
Sygic 13.1.0 - Beta 2 - full from here:
[Please Register or Login to download file] mirror:
[Please Register or Login to download file] 4. Start Sygic application.
Passwd: GS-31-BT-20-FZ-29-WA-TK-BQ
What's new- Drag & Drop for simple route editing
- POI search is faster and smarter than ever
- Pedestrian mode with spoken instructions
- Sidebar for tablets, more info about your drive
- Off-road will track your movement and help you get back the way you came from
- 3D terrain enhanced with greater detail
- Improvements in Spoken Street Names (TTS)
- Danger zone warnings added in France
- Navigating to postal codes in UK now with house numbers
- Tweaks and improvements in Junction view
- Fix for Contacts on Ice Cream Sandwich