Adding Speedcams as POI on TomTom Android... with Sound Alarm?!
It is quite possible to add Speedcams to your TT on Android phone. Showing the icons is no problem, but activating alarm/sound seems a bit more tricky.
Hereby my experiences; info found on several forums.
credits to:
@rodrisilva: "How to install customized speedcams in Tomtom android 1.1 activating visual and sound alert."
@rusigor: "speed cams for tomtom android" (install instructions found in his Zippyshare file)
@admin: "Handleiding installatie speedcams voor Android" (dutch doc)
@Downunder35m: "Tutorial on how to get the speedcams for TT working properly"
@meijer~worldofnavigation (you need to register)
you'll find these installation procedures by just googling it. At first, I was not able to get the alarm/audio working.
But @meijer gave me the final solution!
Some important remarks before you start:
1. you can use ONLY non-licensed ov2/POI files; original TT files will not work! (icons will not show on your map at all)
So you'll need to get these from sites such as SCDB or POIplaza...
(simplest way is to use the 'world'-files from @Downunder35m; he promised to update them regularly

2. you need a 'dedicated' APK file (related directly to the accompanying map). Iow: if it is not map-specific, sound/alarm will not work?!
3. if you do not have an "original" [default.ver] and [default.ov2], then download @rusigor's files, and use the ones found in folder [01]
(take any of the .ov2 and .ver set files , and have them renamed to '')
4. although you can enter multiple 'references' in the [default.ver] file - and they will show as well; tested - there is a chance that those will not work with sound/alarm (since the final 'default'-files are actually copies ~ not tested)
If you can get it working with 1 file, then you can easily get it done with "more files"
use [copy /b *.ov2 Speedcam.ov2 /b] to combine all of them into 1 speedcam file
(tested and working; you are - after all - working with non-licensed/uncrypted files)
5. there is also ample discussion about the format of the ogg- and bmp-files. as for the bmp-files, anything suggested
on those forum will work (if you want to be sure, get one of these: "GerryC's Speed Camera Icons")
as for the ogg-file: I've tested with several of them, provided either on those forums, or from "working sets"
(they differ in frequency (11xxx-22xxxhz - mono), quality, and more; but they did not make any difference)
Installation procedure (following @Downunder35m steps):
a. start with a fresh installation (check @Downunder35m for details/suggestions)
so, uninstall TT and remove the map folder (do nothing else yet...)
b. remove your SIM card from your phone, AND disable the GPS function!
(thanks to @meijer)
c. copy your map to your phone, then - if you do NOT have the 2 'default'-files - copy [default.ver] and [default.ov2] in your map as well
also, remove [DeletedPoi.local] and [MapUserPatch.dat] from your map folder (they shouldn't be there normally)
btw: if it did not work the 1st time, just copy/overwrite the existing 'default' files with the ones from @rusigor anyway!
d. install TT, then launch the application. When asked to activate the GPS, select NO (very important, apparently)!!!
do some minor 'settings' adjustments: I did the '10sec' on/off and 'Data services 'on/off' as suggested by @rodrisilva (making sure they were both OFF)
quit TT.
e. now copy the 1st set of files [] to your map folder
start TT, but leave GPS OFF. you can try a demo route (I didn't do it as it tried to get a GPS signal)
so quit TT again.
f. copy the 2nd set of files (ie: 'default'-files) to your map folder (indeed, overwriting existing files)
g. start TT and now activate your GPS signal
you should now see your speedcam icons AND have sound/alert showing on your map
try simply with a demo route.
* if you do not see icons, enable them via 'settings-show POIs' (you shouldn't need to, btw)
* icons and sound can now easily be changed; if you want different ones
* important update: if you change the ogg-file, make sure you also change the 'other' appropriate ogg-file(s) as well. Iow: ogg-files must be exact copies too, or you will not hear a sound alarm! (changed it this weekend, but forgot to 'update' the default.ogg as well)
ps: please feedback if you have additional finetuning details...
Last edited by
paulal on Wed Mar 26, 2014 5:01 pm, edited 6 times in total.