I noticed that lately there are more and questions in regards to the different TT APK's as well as complaints based on mixing APK's with map releases from other postings.
So it is time to give some clearity on the matter...
1. All TT APK's with the same version number are totally identical, except for the country name in the menu (and program) and the device ID.
2. The differences in size for some APK's are mainly a result of the included voices and no indication of features.
3. There are three different "cured" APK versions to find:
a) Only patched : you can use other Android TT maps, but no full featured PNA maps - in some releases the license check is not entirely removed, causing error in regards to TT servers during navigation.
You won't find those versions in any good GPS forum unless posted by user and untested by the mods.
b) Patched and modified to accept the full featured PNA maps, all license checks removed - most common version to find.
c) Only the license check removed - those APK's will no cause any errors but no matter what you do it is impossible to use maps of other countries with such APK's.
Please keep the above in mind when seeking new maps!
Also keep in mind that it does no matter if you have a EU APK but use only US maps - it is just a cosmetical thing to have a different country name displayed by the TT program

Ok, but how does help me to get my new maps going?
Well, you now know that the device ID is country specific, so the device ID will always be the same for a selected APK no matter on what device you install it.
You also know that you need a suitable APK in case you want to use maps of a different country or simply like to add a map without the need to install another APK - please refer to the forum search for the TT map changer!
If you have done your homework you also know by now that a map is only useable if a corresponding meta code is available.
Refer to the map chart and/or the already posted Android TT maps for the correct version numbers - this is true for future map releases as well!
All of the above infos can be found in the current map thread and in the current Android TT threads.
The next piece of info you might need (if not posted with the APK) is the device ID for the corresponding country version:
Australia :
[color="#006400"]AK3ZC6JDMS[/color]Benelux :
[color="#006400"]AK3ZQ7SKPW[/color]Brazil :
[color="#006400"]AK6HE6SKPE[/color]Canada-Alaska :
[color="#006400"]AK3ZG8JKPS[/color]DE AT CH :
[color="#006400"]AK4ZS7SCPE[/color]EasternEurope :
[color="#006400"]AK6HA62HN2[/color]Europe :
[color="#006400"]AK5HE7SBNN[/color]France :
[color="#006400"]AK6HU7JDPW[/color]Greece :
[color="#006400"]AK3ZU72HP2[/color]Iberia :
[color="#006400"]AK2ZE6ABMA[/color]Italia :
[color="#006400"]AK2HC6JGMS[/color]Mexico :
[color="#006400"]AK5ZA7JCNJ[/color]New Zealand :
[color="#006400"]AK2ZE6SBMJ[/color]North America :
[color="#006400"]AK5ZE6JJN2[/color]Poland :
[color="#006400"]AK2ZS8JGPS[/color]Rus-Bal-Fin :
[color="#006400"]AK3ZL6AKNW[/color]SouthEast Asia:
[color="#006400"]AK3ZS7SANW[/color]Turkey :
[color="#006400"]AK5HA62GNN[/color]United States :
[color="#006400"]AK2ZE7SCM6[/color]U.S. & Canada :
[color="#006400"]AK4ZE6SGNN[/color]UK & Ireland :
[color="#006400"]AK6ZS8JHQW[/color]WesternEurope :
[color="#006400"]AK6HE8JGPW[/color]Before you start complaining it still does not work: read to the end!!
How do I do the actual map activation, since the APK is already patched?
One option is to use tool that allows to manually enter the device ID, like Easyusetool Frontend, Alberts Easy Activator and some more...
But I personally prefer to do the "work" on my PC instead of messing around on the tablet, so I suggest to try this way:
I assume you already installed the APK and figured out the correct location for your map folder on the device;)
Unpack the downloaded map the a folder on your PC, for this tutorial I name the folder "
[color="#006400"]Android maps[/color]".
So you should end up with the folder "Android maps" and in there a folder with the name of the map containing all map files.
Download the latest version of FastActivate from the forum and unpack the archive to the folder "Android maps".
If in doubt use the posted meta code for the map and create meta.txt containing this code in the same folder.
Open your texeditor (I recommend Notepad++) and paste the following into the empty text file:
DeviceName=TomTom ANDROID
DeviceUniqueID=[b][color="#FF0000"]**** ****[/color]ApplicationVersionVersionNumber=9465
Replace the
[color="#FF0000"]**** ****[/color] with the correct device ID for your country versions APK from the above list!
Save the file as ttnavigator.bif in the folder "Android maps".
Start FastActivate and activate the map.
If successful you will find a .dct file inside the map folder as well as a corresponding message in FastActivate.
Be aware that if a map was activated with a wrong meta code, or if the wrong device ID was used you have to delete .dct file before activating again with the correct values!
Now copy the map folder to your TT folder on your device.
Ususally it is located on your SD: C:\Android\TT 1.2\tomtom\com.tomtom.
[color="#006400"]####[/color] is the country name of the APK, files is the content folder inside it is the map folder (and other things).
Before you post questions in regards to unsuccesful activations:
Confirm your APK is properly patched! In general a lot of thanks for an APK indicates that it must work

Confirm you selected the correct map version!
Confirm you used the correct meta code in case you have to create you own meta.txt - mainly for meta codes released after the last update for FastActivate.
Confirm a .dct for the map was created inside the map folder.