Android Oreo Go   

Android Oreo Go

Postby paulal » Sat Sep 29, 2018 10:13 am

Just bought a Wiko Sunny 3 with sole purpose to use it as GPS system. I assumed - incorrectly apparently - that older TT cracked vs would just run fine on the thing... Did a lot of reading, but could really not find a conclusive article/post telling what DOES run on Oreo (GO) 'Android 8' at the moment (incl TT forum/site, believe it or not)?

Btw: if there is some nice overview, just refer me to that...
thx in advance

PS: What I did read/conclude sofar: Tomtom android 1.3/4 apk only run upto 5.x (something); so nogo for 8.
(correct me if I'm wrong)
PS2: I haven't looked at Sygic sofar, but willing to investigate/change to that if needed
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Re: Android Oreo Go

Postby chas521 » Sat Sep 29, 2018 1:55 pm

You need Igo NextGen.
If it ain't broke don't fix it!

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Re: Android Oreo Go

Postby paulal » Sat Sep 29, 2018 6:17 pm

I've tried to install [iGO Basar - 13.jun.2018] (posted on this forum) earlier on, but the poster (obviously?) assumes one knows how to get it configured (incl maps). Could not immediately find a basic install guide, and since it gave me a 'missing global_cfg' error, I kinda got blocked... (did some research but did not get far... yet).

But I did recall Sygic some time back on Releaselog; so downloaded/installed [gps-navigation-offline-maps-sygic-v17-4-15-p2p] from there, and got it up and running in no time. Now I just need a good user manual on how to configure this thing, get latest map versions (should be the case already thx to the 'mapdownloader') and SpeedCams (need to do some research here).
If I'm happy with this, I probably stick with this one...

BTW: during my research, I came across an article that TT now allows one to "freely" install their TT Go vs and use it on a monthly-basis (with a limit of 50 miles ~ 75 kms/month)?! Tried to find some info on this forum, but did not catch anything in particular on the subject. Haven't tried that out yet; might give it a go too...
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Re: Android Oreo Go

Postby chas521 » Sat Sep 29, 2018 10:03 pm

1. Make sure that ALL pieces of igo are deleted from the phone. Look at all internal phone folders - not just igo. Re-start your phone.
2. In the download, install the make sys. txt apk to the phone's internal. This will create an icon on the phone.
3. Create a folder on the internal called Igo_Basar. Copy/paste all the download's files/folders to it.
4. Maps [.fbl] go into content\map folder. POIS into content\poi. and so on.
5. Re-start your phone.

Delete the global_cfg file from the content folder. Download the latest global_cfg file from here. Copy\paste it to the folder ZIPPED.
If it ain't broke don't fix it!

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Re: Android Oreo Go

Postby dmenace » Sun Sep 30, 2018 8:42 am

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Re: Android Oreo Go

Postby paulal » Sun Sep 30, 2018 6:13 pm

Before I forget: thx for the feedback.

@chas521: I do not think the installation itself was an issue, but - like I said - gave 'global_cfg' missing (and no such file came with the download). I did check where to find this cfg-file, but the latest I could fine was posted already a couple of years back, so...?! And I also looked for recent maps/POIs/Speedcams, but could not find any either; so eventually decided to look for something else.
ps: I might come back to this later this year, but: 'install the make sys. txt apk' ? Do you mean here: just run the apk that comes with the package?

@dmenace: yep, looked at that but... there is a reference at the bottom to v101, which was posted back in 2013?! Hence I skipped it for the time being... Is it/will it be working on Android 8 though?

Btw: Sygic has it particularities too, but on the other hand (always) offers 2 possible routes, which I like. Going through the manual now, see how far I get. Presentation/detail is good though, maps up-to-date, but still need to check out a number of things. F.e.: how it updates its speedcams.
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Re: Android Oreo Go

Postby dmenace » Sun Sep 30, 2018 8:37 pm

This version is just like TT go, the only difference I saw is the way to download a map (each country separate) and works on Android 8.0...

Verstuurd vanaf mijn G8441 met Tapatalk
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Re: Android Oreo Go

Postby chas521 » Sun Sep 30, 2018 10:19 pm

Post when you are ready to try Igo.
If it ain't broke don't fix it!

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