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Sun Nov 08, 2020 5:49 pm

I have installed iGO primo on an old rooted Xperia ST15i. Everything appears OK except for the GPS.
After it starts it says auto detecting GPS receiver then Looking for GPS signal, the colours change in the little sat display in the top left.
Touching this brings up a screen showing the satellite positions in the sky and the relative levels in the chart underneath.
There may be anything up to 10 satellites. However the messages on the screen are:-
"GPS Information"
"Available satellites 0"
"Accuracy NONE"
"GPS UTC Time Unavailable"
Looking at the iGO sys file I can see nothing obvious under GPS.
There is a bit of text under the heading Modules and this says
If I modify the title to eg, XModules there are no satellites shown.
So this does have a bearing (No Pun Intended) on the GPS.
Any ideas anyone?
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