pois in TomTom Navigation 1.9b   

pois in TomTom Navigation 1.9b

Postby sogulin » Sat Oct 30, 2021 8:27 am

Hi, so far I have used TomTom Go. In this app I can use poi files with the extension .ov2 by copying them to the \Android\data\com.tomtom.gplay.navapp\files\files\personal\pois folder. The pois can then be seen in TomTom Go app from "My places".

Now I have installed TomTom Navigation 1.9b which creates the folder \Android\data\com.tomtom.gplay.navapp.nds during the installation. However this folder has not the same structure as the TomTom Go folder. Actually the folder is almost empty, only contains a couple of empty subfolders.

I have tried to create the folders manually in the TomTom Navigation folder with the same structure as in the TomTom Go folder and copy the .ov2 files but the TomTom Navigation app cannot find them. Is there a way to use poi files in TomTom Navigation app?

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