share the location of googel map with IGO   

share the location of googel map with IGO

Postby cccomeycalla » Thu May 03, 2018 2:22 pm

after the last update of GOOGLE MAPS and does not let share the location with IGO in my SAMSUNG TAB A 7 TM 285, I have tried with igo primo _9.6.29.427562, iGO_Primo_9.6.29.636868 israel, igo PAI, igo ASVICNCIN And the last neitxen, even with location sharing programs like Send to Navigation but it does not give me the option
Let's see if anyone has tried something else

I also realized that after accepting the new conditions of google play, the programs I have installed I have started to go slow, I have restored the tablet and without entering accounts works perfectly at the moment I enter the Play Store - Google Play again the problem, the only solution I see is to use only gps for nothing else, to see if someone has checked something of this
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