There has been a lot of confusion in regards to using cam files on Android.
Some say it works but without sound, other say it works but with no icons and the lucky ones simply say it works fine.
So why does it work for some while others can't get it working at all?
1. You need a suitable APK - the ones patched to work with all maps don't give you sound!
Only the versions dedicated to the Android maps will give you sound!
2. You need the right cam files.
3. If it does not work out of the box you have to do it manually!
What do you need and to get it working?
Use the latest version of Winrar (V5) to unpack , previous versions and other packers will cause problems!Download the archive from
[Please Register or Login to download file] - it does not matter for which country you need cams, you only need this archive.
Since a fresh start is the best start, uninstall your TT APK if you already tried to get it working.
For the procedure I assume you did a clean install of APK and content files (like map and so on)!! If not it might not work!
Install the APK and copy the content into the right location, usually the SD root is ok, but some phones need adjustments.
Important! : Some maps already contain speedcam data, I highly recommend using a clean map without any added data, otherwise delete all cam related stuff from the map folder first.
Now start the APK and do you normal settings setup, when done exit the program.
Please follow carefully:
1. From the archive copy only the files
Safety_cams_World.ov2 and
Safety_cams_World.ogg to your map folder.
2. Start the APK and do a demo route through a known cam location.
You should see the cam icon on the screen but you get no sound for it (yet).
3. Exit the APK.
4. From the archive copy the remaining files into the map folder.
5. You will be asked to overwrite existing files, so please confirm to overwrite them.
6. Start the APK again and you will have proper speed cam icons on the map including a spoken warning and a distance to the cam shown in the top left corner.
7. In case you don't like the spoken warning you can use a "ding" instead, simply delete the
default.ogg and rename the
default.ogg-ding to
1. TT complains about a missing network connection.
Make sure the right location for the content folder is used. Also check the install folder if the .metadata.xml is present in the country folder, some have a missing dot at the beginning, if you add the dot it should work fine.
2. I see the cam but don't hear a sound.
Follow the instructions above and make sure tto perform a clean install without any cam files present in the map folder.
3. I want a different sound.
Check the TT website on how to create your own sound - They have a good tut there.
4. Can I add Red light cams?
You can in the same way, but only one type will have a warning sound, the other must be created as normal POI's.
5. Can I use my own or newer cam files?
Although the files are only a few days old, you certainly can replace the cam files with your own.
TT cams that need activation won't work, so you are limited to SCDB and other POI based cam files.
But using a single country file instead of the whole world is possible.
Simply replace both .ov2 files from the archive with your own and make sure to use the same filename as in the archive.
You need a copy for both .ov2 files otherwise it won't work, complain to TT about the troubles

Firstly, no screenshot as I had no time and most likely won't have time for it in the future, but it will work without screenshots

TT still does not support the speedcams as we are used to from the PNA's.
That means even with activation the official TT cams won't work.
The used "default" setup is already built into the APK but not the stuff needed to get them working unless you have the paid APK and use your account to buy cam files.
Having two copies of the cam files under different name is necessary for the APK to correctly show the cam icon and the distance warning on the screen - if you don't see the distance warning or have no sound you did not follow the procedure

Starting the program first with no changed data and only the plain cam files is needed to register the cams in the program,
once that is done the additional files make sure you get the right warning sounds and icons including the distance to the cam.
I hope not

Updates can be found
1. I checked various speed cam files and could not see any magnificent differences, most cam files are getting smaller from one version to the next.
If you find that there are cams missing that are showing on a normal TT let me know, otherwise I don't see a point in updating files that has no significant changes.
2. If you have the cams working properly and you want to update the map, you don't need to install a new APK and you don't need to go through the cam trouble again.
Simply delete the old map files in your map folder, leave the mapsettings.cfg and the related cam files as mentioned here - also delete the DCT file.
Now simply copy the new map files in and all is working fine including the speedcams and your favourites.