This one?
[Please Register or Login to download file] What are you trying to do? This device is very new and the iGO (Primo 1.2 I guess) is one of the latest (November - December 2010)
You should have 43 European Country maps on it, I doubt there are more. (in Europe) Since the device is new also, it are the latest maps.
I am pretty sure it's a Primo on your device - On the main screen > more > help > about will give you details about the program >more will give you details about the license and the contents (also the maps). In contents you can check the maps, what maps and what version (probably 2010.06). So if you can see 43 maps, what maps do you want more?
When I am correct, I would not change anything to your device.
However, a copy of all the Primo files (not the content folder) could be useful for the crackers ;)