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Can i update a becker z204 ??

Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:46 am

Hello and sorry for my bad english.

I have a becker traffic assist z204.
I wonder if i can update the z204 because is has a map on it from 2008.
The software version is (SR2).
I hope that someone can tell me what to do, because its al a mystery to me, aldo i have some experience with updating tomtom.

Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:04 am

Then you will see iGO is much easier than TomTom ;)

You have the Becker Z302 software. So you only need to update the .exe and license (these are linked) and renew the maps.
Updating the .exe file and the license is easy. For safety copy them to your PC so that you can always go back to the old situation. Next replace the original files by the downloaded files. Do the same with the maps. That is all !!

Program here: :link: (credits to D.I.I. for the upload)
Maps can be found here : :link:

If for some reason the new software don't work and give errors, replace the as well. (first back up the old one)

Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:13 pm

Hello Nabi.

Thanks for the information, i'm gonna try it out this weekend.
I'm only a little confused about the maps, im gonna use the europe maps but i'm not sure witch one to use the R1 or R3 navteq europe map.
The last question : Is it posible to put everything on a micro SD card ?? so that the internal software stays intact and the systeem is running from the memorycard.
I hope to hear from you....thanks for al the advice.

Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:46 pm

You should have the R3 maps. R1 maps are intended for iGO 8.0 builds. I don't even think there are live links to R1 maps around. The 8.0 build is ancient history by now ;)

Your only problem lies in the simple fact that your license won't allow new maps. You could try anyway, possibly your license differs from the Z302 build and it will allow new maps - then there is no need to replace license and .exe, but I doubt it.
Therefor, together with new maps, you need a new license, and because the.exe will check that license, you need to replace the .exe as well.

IGO works completely of sd card if wanted, you only need the Becker software to start the iGO that is on SD. But why do so? It's more complicated than replacing the files.
IGO is very easy to update since it's DOS/Windows based and unlike TomTom don't make changes to the system or registry.
When you simply replace the files, iGO will be running as before. I only recommend to back up in case something should go wrong replacing the old files with the new files. Then you replace the new with the old ones and your "old" Becker iGO is back.

Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:09 pm

Helo Nabi.

I have put the igo.exe , al the license files and the file on the z204.
Then i have put the 2011 q1 maps also on the becker.
The system work, only some things are in english and the most are in mij lang dutch, is there anyway to change it so that everything is in dutch ??.
I have also put speedcams on it, and they ar shown up in the screen, but i dont get a warning sound.
I hope i'm asking not to mutch, but the becker system and igo is al new to me.


Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:55 pm

Did you purchase this older device recently then? No manual?
To have everything in dutch, you need the dutch language file. That should be on the Becker.

First you could check what language files are present in the content/language folder and see if dutch file is there. It should be. Or better it is - because part of your system is dutch because of a language file. This makes me wonder why only a part is Dutch and the other part is English?? More versions of Dutch language an the older version selected as the language to use?? Or is the installed iGO not the original and (partly - not updated language files) replaced ? Does the downloaded iGO has newer Dutch language file? (I am not sure of the content of the d/l). Then the same procedure as for .exe file, backup and replace.

You also have to see what the settings are. Unfortunately, I do not have a Becker myself and I do know Becker makes changes to the iGO software, sort of a Becker skin. (in iGO8.3-non-Becker-dutch : menu > instellingen > regionaal - programmataal.)
Choose the correct file.

Speedcam sound : menu > instellingen > waarschuwingen > waarschuwen bij snelheidsoverschrijding - aanvinken > klik op [...] > and from there on you should be able to go on by yourself.

Spending some time to explore the settings can be enlightening ;)

Sat Jul 23, 2011 5:33 pm

Hello Nabi.

Thanks again for all the info, but it is still not working 100%.
I have attached 2 pictures of what i mean.
I'm gonna work on it this week, so if there is any progress i will let you know, and i hope that if a have more questions i may ask you for advice.
Thanks again


Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:33 pm

You can always ask and when I know the answer I will post it. As simple as that.

I see what you mean. Both English and Dutch menu. Strange. What about the language files?
I suppose speedcam warnings are part of traffic regulations (verkeersregels) but as said, I have no Becker device and this menu is completely different from normal iGO. Or are there more pages? I don't know which Becker made building Becker iGO.
You could experiment with the settings to find out. Again, is there no manual?
An addition, normal iGO8 needs satellites to show and warn for speedcams, so driving around in the car and not 'demo' driving on a chair could really show.

Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:58 pm

Helo Nabi.

Thanks for the reply, i have tested the becker in the car and the speedcams are now working inc sounds.
I don't have a manual of the device, but i found one and as i take a look at that there are more things missing, perhaps the problem is that i have a z204 and the igo that i have used from your link is for the z302.
I wonder if it is possible to install a complete IGO pack, but i don't know if that possible and if they are avaible for the z204.
I have also did a search on internet and found something about the Nav N Go iGO v8.5.3.146641 (SR1 - Jun 4 2010) Becker Z215 there are some pictures with it and the look the same as that the z204 from me was before the IGO file was changed.
This is the link.
Maybe you can tel me more about a complete IGO pack for the becker or where i can find them, then i can try that, is does not have to stay the same becker that is was.


Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:46 am

First, no links to other sites!

The link I gave you was the same Becker-iGO that was (and still is) on the device.
That link you posted is the Z215 version - which is or was here on this forum as well. All concerning iGO is in the iGO subforum.
I don't know if our link is still alive. I just gave up re-uploading only to see all links killed while no-one says thanks anymore and helps us by re-uploading again. Besides, who needs it, asks for it. No one does.
When you know where to get it, you can try it on your device. It's as easy as replacing your iGO folder with the downloaded one (after backing up !!! - always do back up before making changes) and fill the content folder.

Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:56 pm

What about Becker Z205, can i use same software on Z205?

Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:23 pm

Yes, you can.

Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:58 pm

Software from Z302 is not the best solutions, for Becker Z204 and Z205 the best software ist from Z215, works just fine :cool:

Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:01 am

Thank you for your contribution. :thumbup: I am no Becker expert, so I am glad to have some help here. ;)

Just one remark: can you clear up your answer? It's possible the Z215 soft is better on a Z20* - as said, I have no experience here, you can be perfectly correct - but I would love to read why? And I am sure everyone who visits here. Simply because you have the Z215 soft on your on your Z20*? Or is there an other good argument?

Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:37 pm

Program from first page always crash on start, so i try a several other programs and found that the best software for Becker Z204 and Z205 ist this one:
How to install?
Just make COPY PASTE to one Micro SD card, file with name iGO8 change to Autorun, install all new maps, bulidings, phoneme etc. and put the card in your navigation.
When you start your navigation always start first the new program because you have changed name to Autorun, if you don't need new program just turn off, take the card out and start on once again.
My navigation Becker is now on way to London, if something goes wrong with a new program you will know first, but untill now everything is just fine!
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