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Making Becker Traffic Assist 7914 usable again

Fri Jul 19, 2013 9:05 pm

I have come into posession of a BE7914 which doesn't go beyond the logo screen, e.g. problably an interrupted update. I have tried putting Autorun.exe and Autorun.scp on the SD card with iGo8 but doesn't seem to have any effect. How can I restore the internal memory flash or get it to boot off the SD card?

Sun Jul 21, 2013 5:03 pm

See here.

Sun Jul 21, 2013 5:16 pm

Sadly I have seen that thread and it doesn't apply to me: the USB device isn't fully recognized when connected hence no access to the internal flash.

Mon Jul 22, 2013 8:20 pm

Look here .

Total Commander link is here

Put it on the root of SD card \ , can also try to renane it EProject.exe or Autorun.exe or MNAVDCE.exe .

Please take note of which exe will start , so in the future you can rename igo.exe or igo8.exe with that name .

Tue Jul 23, 2013 6:28 pm

Tried that, no change, seems that the NAND is damaged pretty badly. I'm seeing one possibility - there is a unfamiliar female connector with a SERIAL label near it. Some kind of shell access perhaps?

Tue Jul 23, 2013 7:08 pm

If a ROM flash was interrupted, then you should be able to flash again, if you have the files.
It could be someone flashed the wrong ROM, or the internal flash chip has failed.

Tue Jul 23, 2013 8:12 pm

Did you use an SD card not bigger than 2gb ?
Does the SD card have any disk name ?

Wait for this as last option
Try to put this two 7934 rom files winceimg in the root of sd card ans see what happen .
Must power off/on with reset key pressed to read files from SD
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EDIT 2 option

Before doing above , i found a 7914 flash disk image , lookink inside the .exe i presume at boot it will start this file \SDMMC Disk\becker.exe .
Try to put total commander with the above name becker.exe on the \ root of the SD or inside a folder called "SDMCC Disk" on the SD or
try to give "SDMCC Disk" as disk name of the SD .

EDIT 1 option
I've read that when the 7914 display the becker logo you can press the 4 corner of the screen clockwise starting with the left top and it will run an hidden menu ( FACTORY TEST MENU ) where you can select ( Run Navigation ) , try if it works .

Re: Making Becker Traffic Assist 7914 usable again

Thu Mar 02, 2017 12:57 am

Great, helpfull tips altough its 3year old, my Becker 7914 is back on the "road" :023:

Re: Making Becker Traffic Assist 7914 usable again

Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:45 am

meester wrote:Great, helpfull tips altough its 3year old, my Becker 7914 is back on the "road" :023:

You invented the wheel again clever chap :lol:
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