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Find help for Philadelphia 845

Tue Nov 29, 2016 9:57 am

please tell me.
How navigator work? I select this menu but not anything happen.
And where I can search map for Thailand.

Re: Find help for Philadelphia 845

Mon Dec 12, 2016 9:14 am

Try reading this manual for Blaupunkt blaupunkt philadelphia 835
[Please Register or Login to download file]
it might not be the same model but there should not be too many differences.
there is a cover on the right hand side which when open has a micro SD card slot behind it.
is there a micro SD card in it ?
if yes test it in a PC to see what software it has on it,
if no you need to get one and install iGoPrimo on it.
when you press the navigation icon it loads the navigation software from that micro SD card.

Re: Find help for Philadelphia 845

Tue Jun 04, 2024 6:49 am

Bonjour je recherche l aplication igo8 pour autoradio blaupunkt philadelphia 845 car ont ma voler ma carte sd ! Besoins d aide aussi pour mettre a jours l autoradio a jours pas les radar ! Le micro logiciel de l autoradio blaupunkt philadelphia 845
Merci a tous !!
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