[Please Register or Login to download file] The problem seems to be MS Murks. They banned certain torrents as undesirable.
Here are a few lines translated:
"Microsoft & Co declare µTorrent to be" unwanted software "
Microsoft and some other providers of security solutions have declared the well-known BitTorrent client µTorrent to be a problem. The manufacturer's anti-malware tools are now blocking the installation of uTorrent because they consider the program to be a "serious threat".
As Microsoft MVP Prajwal Desai reports in his blog (via Dr Windows), Redmond-based companies are by no means alone in classifying uTorrent as a threat. Anyone who uploads the program to the VirusTotal antivirus portal will immediately receive confirmation that the AV manufacturers K7 and Eset also consider uTorrent to be undesirable or advertising software. .... "
I have installed qtorrent now. Seems to be loading, even if I don't yet understand how exactly the program is to be used or how I can see the progress. Let's see what he reports to me in the end.
I have the WIN 10 Enterprise with full rights and am logged in as an admin. So far I've never had a problem installing anything. So it seems logical, what is in the article I linked you above. Maybe Google can translate it for you.
I will read your link in peace and quiet. Seems to be rather heavy fare if I even looked at it for a moment. Reading educates, so I'll keep the courage