After some long and painful ( Needle in me head )stuff, i have been given a tentative all clear on skin cancer with a review every 6 months.
So for you young guys/gal ,a few tips
I cannot go out in any sun unless i have either a sunblock or a hat (pref both). doesn't matter in summer/winter or whatever, IT CAN AFFECT ME.
Now i was bought up in the 50/60s where by we was out all day playing ,no cream etc cos it wasn't a thing then an we was kids.
Just a word is all.
Make your kids were sunblock/cream no matter when,even on a cloudy day............DO IT.
PLEASE don't think it won't hurt them ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,cos it will
My head looks like a map of the world with all the scars/burn marks ,don't let that happen to your kids.