Let me tell you what a drama it was i followed every tutorial downloaded tool after tool and map after map.
Just could not get it and stopped myself from posting for help due to a lot of the answers linking back to tutorial posts

I hate the fact that nothing is hand fed on here besides the pre-made tools and graphs and tutorials but thats just me.
I kept at it i hate getting beat at anything its not a competitive streak i just don't give up i hate conceding when i know if yall can do it so can i.
Anyways 48 hours later i managed to get it working. I had no original map no back ups nothing just with the tools on here and i'm delighted (The matter is that it has more of a sentimental value being an old and relatively backwards device) but it's my first satnav and when it was given to me i just said " Ill just update it no problem" Not realizing how hard it is to overcome complex software .
Long and short of it Thanks Team and Contributors i made a small donation after telling myself if i can get this working ill donate and trust me it be hard to take the moths out of my wallet

At least in future i know where to come if anything goes wrong.