.. your children or parents or grandparents to see a book for sale entitled: A Book for A C*** being advertised on eBay/Amazon etc?
Just search on eBay books for "a book for a" and all will be disgustingly revealed then use the full title to search on Amazon books (and Google generally too)!
typically:- [Please Register or Login to download file]
I'm far from a prude but F*F*S surely this really shouldn't be allowed
Sadly "reporting" offensive stuff like this gets no response from them whatsoever; maybe cos it's their advertisers/sellers that pay their wages?
Apparently, and specifically on eBay, Ebay policy states this:
CDs, DVDs or other media with titles that include language which may be considered to be profane are allowed on eBay as long as any profane words are part of the official title
How gnikcuf ridiculous is that!