Fri May 21, 2010 2:30 pm
I've been trying to find a download for this 2009/2010 Chrysler DVD. Can anyone please help?
Sat Mar 12, 2011 6:10 pm
user68 wrote:I've been trying to find a download for this 2009/2010 Chrysler DVD. Can anyone please help?
with jdownloader download this file and burn with imgburn on a verbatim dvd + dl 1x

Sat Mar 12, 2011 6:28 pm
Thanks Ironman64, downloading now.
Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:24 am
thanks very much, I'm looking for this a lot.
Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:35 pm
could you tell me if czech republic is in this DVD? If not in which version is? Thank you very much for your answear
Thu May 12, 2011 11:23 am
I need a new dvd to upgrade my maps from Spain.
Thu May 12, 2011 3:56 pm
great, it's very good job !
Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:36 pm
Great Disk thanks alot. (Not always up to date in Spain though)
I was just wondering if the next version is available yet, I guess it will be 56038650 AI?
Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:14 pm
@ serverdude
I found this source for the AI version but it's 5064033AI. I don't know if it has UK/Europe maps and haven't been successful in burning a copy yet, although I've only tried using some cheap DL disks. I'll try burning it again when I get some Verbatims.
[Please Register or Login to download file]
Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:56 am
The above torrent is for the North American 2010 edition
When downloaded it is a MAC image file that erroneously has been renamed ISO
You should load the file in Ultraiso and save it as a real ISO file in order to be able to use it
Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:45 am
Thanks for clarifying. Good thing I didn't put this version into my UK/European REC in case it caused problems reverting back to a European map version..... Can't find an AI Europe torrent anywhere. Looks like we'll have to stick with AG for now :(
Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:36 am
Chrysler PT CRUISER navigation (europe)
I've been trying to find a download for this 2010/2011 Chrysler PT CRUISER DVD. Can anyone please help?
Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:14 pm
I get an error saying "error reading from disk - please check the disk"
I burned on 4x speed on a verbatim DVD+R DL with Nero Linux, is that a problem?
Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:39 pm
Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:26 pm
Thanks for lookng guys, Please drop me a line if one turns up.
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