Chrysler Uconnect 8.4N Europe NTU update   

Chrysler Uconnect 8.4N Europe NTU update

Postby 4195443 » Tue Dec 05, 2023 7:55 am

Good morning!
Can anyone tell me how to change the voice acting in these map containers? I`m interesting Ukrainian or Russian languages.
In the version of the maps Europe 2024.20 NTU, the voice acting is terrible - letters and whole words are swallowed, the names of the streets are impossible to understand, you rather guess what the electronic girl is saying. It’s the same with maps of Europe NTU 2024.10!
I tried to install Europe NT 2024.10 maps - the voice is more or less acceptable, at least something is clear, but the search for addresses through the Russian keyboard (Cyrillic font) has completely disappeared (no matches found), it searches normally in the English abbreviation.
I have Chrysler Uconnect 8.4N device with Garmin module (manufactured by Panasonic). The device is updated via a flash drive. Adding voiceovers through the Voice folder does not work.
I read all the links to Chrysler topics and did not find any answers. There are more unanswered questions.
Maybe someone knows what and how can to change in map containers??
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Re: City Navigator Europe NTU 2024.20

Postby GarminNuvi » Wed Dec 06, 2023 12:29 am

4195443 wrote:Europe NT 2024.10 maps - the voice is more or less acceptable, at least something is clear, but the search for addresses through the Russian keyboard (Cyrillic font) has completely disappeared (no matches found), it searches normally in the English abbreviation.

I think you will find that as this was originally designed for NT maps and has no compatibility with NTU maps that can use Cyrillic characters.
If you check your garmindevice.xml by searching for Unicode you can confirm it.
Maps don't contain the Voice files
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Re: City Navigator Europe NTU 2024.20

Postby 4195443 » Wed Dec 06, 2023 2:36 pm

Yes, I know that NT does not support Cyrillic.
Although when plotting the route (using the coordinates of the end point), some inscriptions in Cyrillic are present.
My question is different.
Is it possible to transfer the whole voice package. From NT 2024.10 set to NTU 2024.20 maps?
Voiceover of streets and routes on the map only, voice search is not important.
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Re: Garmin City Navigator Europe NTU 2025.10 FID 12306

Postby 4195443 » Mon Mar 25, 2024 10:52 am

Good afternoon
I repeatedly use map data in a car navigator. But it has limited memory and does not have additional memory cards. I'm trying to simplify the data.
Please tell me:
1. What are the files from the folder HERE responsible for and how important are they in the device?
2. How to determine the languages in the ASR folder? There are a lot of them, they take up a lot of memory, but only one or two are used.
3. Could you separately make some very easy map, for example, of some island (the screenshot from the main message shows a very small island between Norway and Great Britain).
It so happened that during previous fills I ended up with a rather heavy additional file gmapsupp1. I can't delete it! I want to replace it with some very light file and so that this does not interfere with the operation of all maps and the system.
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Re: Chrysler Uconnect 8.4N Europe NTU update

Postby GarminNuvi » Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:37 am

4195443 wrote:Good afternoon
I repeatedly use map data in a car navigator. But it has limited memory and does not have additional memory cards. I'm trying to simplify the data.
Please tell me:
1. What are the files from the folder HERE responsible for and how important are they in the device?

What files
2. How to determine the languages in the ASR folder? There are a lot of them, they take up a lot of memory, but only one or two are used.

.srx & .asr file are not language specific ru_RU.srd , sv_SE.srd, it_IT.srd etc are.
3. Could you separately make some very easy map, for example, of some island (the screenshot from the main message shows a very small island between Norway and Great Britain).
It so happened that during previous fills I ended up with a rather heavy additional file gmapsupp1. I can't delete it! I want to replace it with some very light file and so that this does not interfere with the operation of all maps and the system.

Shetland Islands are included in a large part of Scotland 24Mb ,Faroe Island are 6Mb
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[Please Register or Login to download file] 5Mb
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Re: Chrysler Uconnect 8.4N Europe NTU update

Postby ilker345 » Wed Apr 03, 2024 10:35 am

freemont vehicle Uconnect 8.4N 2025 European update available. There is no Turkish language, can it be found separately?
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Re: Chrysler Uconnect 8.4N Europe NTU update

Postby 4195443 » Tue Apr 09, 2024 11:27 am

Good afternon!
The main maps North and South from CN Europe NTU 2025.10 are loaded into the navigator without problems.
But all regional maps, incl. Faroe Islands map, which made at my request, cannot be uploaded. The device writes that the map is not compatible with the equipment. Even if I replace the file name as the main gmapprom (North) or gmapsupp (South).
What am I doing wrong? Maybe the files still need to be modified in GMapTool or MapSource/BaseCamp?

There is also a problem with uploading JCV files.
From the CN Europe NTU 2024.10 and 2024.20 map sets, the lightest files along with the maps were uploaded without any problems.
None of the options are uploaded from 2025.10.
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