After my first post yesterday I kept on searching the internet about the issue I have with my newly burned Ford TravelPilot FX 2021 SD. My description yesterday was not accuracte and clearify what was going on, but I found a small video on YouTube, which was spot on.
[Please Register or Login to download file] This is excactly the case with the issue I seem to have. It seems the radio does not accept the SD card or software on it? Am I doing something wrong, or should I first fully reset my radio and remove all settings and storage from the radio which is relatad to my old 2012 FX SD card? Or is there some code which has to be cracked to unlock the SD Card? Or do I need a special brand or particular SD card? My radio has the latest SW update SW-MAIN 0841_110810. I've put the cryptnav directory in the root of SD card.
Thanks in advance!!!