This Section is for General discussion and help for Navigon GPS Systems.
Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:45 am
Quick question, can you put the NAVIGON GPS application on a PNA thats running ce 5.0? if so do you have any links for the core engine?
Tue Sep 21, 2010 10:41 pm
marcy99 wrote:Quick question, can you put the NAVIGON GPS application on a PNA thats running ce 5.0? if so do you have any links for the core engine?
yes you can aslong as your device can support the software you want which depends on your memory and your processing speed also make sure you pick a software that fits your screen size like 320 x 240 480 x 472 3" 4" 5" you can try
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Wed Sep 22, 2010 9:40 am
jstduit wrote:yes you can aslong as your device can support the software you want which depends on your memory and your processing speed also make sure you pick a software that fits your screen size like 320 x 240 480 x 472 3" 4" 5" you can try
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Can you recommend a model that I should try on my PNA there are many to choose from I am thoroughly confused.
Wed Sep 22, 2010 3:46 pm
marcy99 wrote:Can you recommend a model that I should try on my PNA there are many to choose from I am thoroughly confused.
i would but you have to tell me your model name and number so i can reseach it and see what the specs are for it so ill know what navigon version to tell you to put on it also do you want to use north america maps or europe maps.
Thu Sep 23, 2010 7:34 am
I am running Viamichelin x960 320x240 PNA the specs are below
Size 100 x 77 x 20.5mm
Colour Dark Grey
Weight 136g
Screen 3.5" QVGA LCD (320)x240) / 65,536 colours
Processor Samsung 300 MHz
Memory 64MB RAM / 128MB ROM
Operating System Windows 5.0
Cables USB and Cigarette lighter
Battery Battery Life : 2 hours
Loudspeaker Integrated
GPS Integrated GPS receiver, SirfStar III
Any help you can give me will be appreciated thankyou
Fri Oct 08, 2010 5:22 pm
havent heard from you in awhile did you manage to get it to work. those missing dll's could be caused from miopocket 4.0 try going back to 3.0 see if that works
Mon Oct 11, 2010 7:47 pm
jstduit wrote:havent heard from you in awhile did you manage to get it to work. those missing dll's could be caused from miopocket 4.0 try going back to 3.0 see if that works
Hi Jstduit, I have been meaning to reply to you all day. but I have not had time sorry about that. Mo I didn't manage to get it working on any of the formats. I have however, aquired a PDA with Windows ce 5 is it possible to install it on that through cab files? also is it possible to put garmin on a PDA ? the pda I have is a NAVPIN PDA originally with navman but I have loaded Tomtom on it. The reason I have been quiet is because I went in to hospital before. Thanks
Mon Oct 11, 2010 10:58 pm
marcy99 wrote:Hi Jstduit, I have been meaning to reply to you all day. but I have not had time sorry about that. Mo I didn't manage to get it working on any of the formats. I have however, aquired a PDA with Windows ce 5 is it possible to install it on that through cab files? also is it possible to put garmin on a PDA ? the pda I have is a NAVPIN PDA originally with navman but I have loaded Tomtom on it. The reason I have been quiet is because I went in to hospital before. Thanks
hope your hospital visit was'nt to serious and your ok now. im sorry i do not know anything about a pda you might be better off checking this forum and other forums i have seen post for those.
Fri Mar 11, 2011 5:45 pm
Witch software do I need for a Chinese nav., win ce 5.0 7"? There are many to choose from. Thanks.
Wed Apr 06, 2011 2:59 pm
1935mb wrote:Witch software do I need for a Chinese nav., win ce 5.0 7"? There are many to choose from. Thanks.
Try the iGO section.
Sun Apr 10, 2011 2:40 pm
I have IGO 8 on my device, but I want Navignon. I tried, but its impossible for me to get it work.
Sun May 08, 2011 2:24 pm
I did get Navigon running using 7.4 build 793 and it sees the new maps and all.
Even the GPS showed up and it shows current position.
But the keyboard is grayed out...and I can't add an address.
What am I missing?
Its a Rosen Entertainment in dash system.
Sorry, I see now that an incompatible map will do this.....
Fri May 13, 2011 5:26 pm
navigon for wince 5.0 chinese 2Din,dvd 7'' please
try 7.4.3 build 201,it's working
Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:50 pm
Runs OK on a Navigo V1 widescreen device hacked to run in Win CE 5.0.
Just need to sort out low volume and brightness.
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