c014 wrote:Hello
I just want to say that it would be great if someone wrote some guide to all the different files in folders.
It's just a big mess for me, all the files in the poi folder.. whats they all for.. are they just additional to the poi-file in the maps folder?
What does all_poiwarner do? and brunnel.nfs and so on.. I am afraid that I delete something that I will need, and a little bit frustrated if I have files that I dont need.
As my good friends always say, "If is not broken, Dont fix it" and I would say "KISS" (keep-it-simple-stupid) dont take it personal. Thsi two lines will keep u out of trouble.
Anyway, I will attach few screen-shots about what goes where.
Some nfs files are ment for the map section like:
- MapDrawer= just what it saids, draw the map pic.
- Phoneme= Voice commands
- poicast= point of interest, like gas stations, mall and so on
- RealityView, stuff u see as u drive, like signs, exits and so on.
- sat= satellite
- TMC= traffic
- brunnel= this is the file that simulate ur moving wile in side tunnels
- Landmarks= it explains it self, like really all city structures.
- POM is the file extension file for the point of interests
- lng= languages
- TTS= text-to-speech will be the voice that tells u directions
- POIWarner and Red light= is for speed cams, red light cams but it will also, show u same information or similar info like Point-Of-Interest. (gas stations, Hotels, etc)
...and i can go on for pages man, but u dont need to know it all, just dont delete anything if ur not sure.
Just in the Settings foler aretwo very important xml files, that cant be mees with unless u know what ur doing, and thy are the ApplicationSettingsPathes and the UserSettings.xl files. o can open them and see whats in there but dont mess with them.
Hope this clear some of ur doubts.
BTW is ur next question is, where can u get this files?