Clarion Australian Map for NX509/NP509 - need pre-installed   

Postby wagawaga » Mon Apr 29, 2013 7:40 pm

@chas521: Okidoki, I'll take the long ride through that thread. Just read the first one and a half pages without new expertise. But I am sure, I'll get new ideas! I'll be back as soon as I've got some more time to invest. Have already spent about 3 full days of experiments as stated in this thread. However, I will not give up! Thank you very much so far!!!
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Postby chas521 » Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:25 pm

NEVER GIVE UP-PERSEVERE !!!! Look at the end of that thread.
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Postby wagawaga » Tue Apr 30, 2013 11:32 am

chas521, I just reached page 5. You keep referring to YOUR version of Igo8 / Primo. As stated earlier in this thread, I had downloaded YOUR version of Primo, which jhen and myself had at least brougt to the point of running properly exept the missing sound.

Would you recommend the following procedure:

1.) Take YOUR primo, put it on SD Card, check that it is running properly
2.) Replace igo.exe with the one in #71
3.) Edit sys.txt by adding the device specific params found in the .ini files inside (thats those named clarion_nxxxxxx.ini) in the device folder
4.) Take YOUR and copy it to /ux/ (this seems to be the from the Clarion version in #71 (assuming that the cracked Clarion-Primo will look for that file in /ux rather than for in / .

Could this make sense?

And what about the compatibility of the ui aaa_bbb files. Is thee anything I need to take care of regarding the versioning of the main exe file?
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Postby chas521 » Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:21 pm

First of all, I hope that you backed up your device first before you do any editing - just in case!!!

Take a look at that thread by gsthunder around post #153 and #155. Not only is he a happy camper now with a working program but he now also has sound working for pretty much the first time. Don't do anything to your device software until you see what he did.
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Postby wagawaga » Tue Apr 30, 2013 1:01 pm

Yes, everything is backed up. Furthermore I will first try to get it running from SD and then move it to internal storage. Just to be safe and to save time....
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Postby chas521 » Tue Apr 30, 2013 2:08 pm

wagawaga wrote:Yes, everything is backed up. Furthermore I will first try to get it running from SD and then move it to internal storage. Just to be safe and to save time....

Be careful and don't do things TOO fast. I hope you read what he did.
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Postby wagawaga » Wed May 01, 2013 12:27 pm

Ok, I did it like I described it in Post 78 but added my resolution 480x234 both to and (folder ux of the cr@cked Clarion download). Removed the other resolutions, as I assume that the file size does matter, as my device is low on memory (yes, I did it the way as described in the sticky post using winrar).

Edit 1: Found a string containing clarion_for you in the exe file. So I do believe that the exe looks for instead of

EDIT 2: Did a search with a HEX-Editor for the string "CLARION_EBP _MGR" in the exe-file. It is obviously not contained in there, what will most likely bring me back to the no sound problem already discussed earlier in this thread.

Additionally I created a folder ui_igo9 in the root folder and copied my resolution in there as well.

Starting Igo from SD now does not result in a crash anymore, but it refuses to start with the error message "User interface resolution [480x234] is not supported or compatible skin can not be found. Exiting application."

My sys.txt does not have a resolution_folder = xyz entry so far. Could this be the problem?
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Postby chas521 » Wed May 01, 2013 12:35 pm

Where did you get the 480_234 resolution folder? Did you also include common and icons files? Please post your sys.txt.
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Postby wagawaga » Wed May 01, 2013 12:52 pm

Took it from your Igo Primo, linked earlier in this thread. And no, I did not put common and icons in there.

Sorry, I can't post sys.txt right now as I'm in the countryside only equipped with my tablet but withou card reader.

Did you see my EDIT 2 in post 82? Submitted that just seconds after your reply! This might most likely be a showstopper anyway.
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Postby chas521 » Wed May 01, 2013 12:52 pm

You might want to try this

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Postby wagawaga » Wed May 01, 2013 1:21 pm

ok, will try as soon as I'm back home!

Just for my understanding: Are the respective resolution folders in and the same?

Thanks a lot!
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Postby chas521 » Wed May 01, 2013 1:30 pm

Should be the same. Don't forget to post your sys.txt.
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Postby jhen_622 » Wed May 08, 2013 10:13 pm

Hi guys,

Looking at the thread, it is good to know that somebody already has cr@cked a clarion iG0.exe., this looks promising.

Checking the files of the Primo-Cl@rion program it is actually for newer headunits. I will upload the files from my unit when I get home later and hope someone is up for the challenge to cr@ck the file. Wouldn't this be nice wagawaga?

Really appreciate chas521, wagawaga and everyone involve in trying to get a cr@cked program to run in this unit. Thanks guys...

:link: [Please Register or Login to download file]
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Postby wagawaga » Sat May 11, 2013 10:49 am

jhen_622 wrote:Wouldn't this be nice wagawaga?

This would indeed be great!!!
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Postby wagawaga » Sat May 11, 2013 10:59 am

@Chas521: Sorry, I have been away for a few days. Here is my current version of sys.txt. However I do believe that jhen is right when assuming that the available cr@cked version of Clarion Igo is not compatible with our device. So I would also like to point out , that I would be enourmously gratefull if someone could play around with jhen's version in order to get it running with available maps.

By the way, is it correct, that our OEM version is a R3 version?


app="Storage Card/PrimoCL"
content="Storage Card/PrimoCL/content"








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