Since I got several request I upload my menu here.
It is for all these 800x480 pixel devices that are out there - mostly the 2din car GPS devices from China but for the hand held ones (like I have) as well.
Here are some screenshots of what is included :
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The menu is provides "as is" - meaning that if it does not work you will have to edit/change it yourself.
To change or add something you have to look into the 3 INI files : Menu.ini , Games.ini , Tools.ini
It is all pretty clear and easy to understand if you open the ini file in your editor and start the "Systeminformation32.exe" - it will simulate the menu on your Windows PC.
All is configured for SD cards labeled "StorageCard" - you will find ini files for other SD cards at the end.
Not all Games/Tools must work on your device! Some will need additional DLL files or CE6.
If something does not work you can delete the entries in the menu or use the comments as shown in the ini to disable the function but keep the menu entry for later use.
Special attention should be paid to the memory bars at the bottom :
You have to adjust the path to your SD flash memory accordingly in the 3 ini files otherwise they will show up like in the screenshots with invalid paths.
Only the games and tools are included -you have to provide the GPS programs.
The paths in the menu.ini should be ok for most standard installations, but you better check if they are correct for your version - this goes especially for Garmin !
I have included 2 folders that are not necessary for the menu : CE4 and CE5 - those inlude DLL files that might be missing on your system.
It might not be a complete collection but will save you some time searching the net.
The Flashmemory in the menu is labled "NANDFlash" and the status bar for that in the menu has the entry "diskmem" - two times, one for SD and for Flash.
How to]
Copy the folder "Navitotal" to the root of your SD card.
On your GPS change the patch for the GPS software to the "menu.exe" inside the folder "Navitotal".
If you want to use the Autostart function for the menu you can close it with a double click/tap on an empty area on the screen.
[Please Register or Login to download file] - All three files in one archive!
Password for all files : downunder