Afternoon guys
Question on navigating with my 276cx...I am doing an event where I will be provided with a route of waypoints - just point to point, not tied to roads - some of the route will be off road entirely so I was planning on converting to a track then adjusting the track based on topo maps I have on my device. I was told the track should just be permanently overlaid onto the map so when I 'navigate' the route I will also be able to see the tracks in blue (the colour I have set for them)
However...when I click navigate on the route on the device the track does not show up, likewise if I navigate the track the route does not show up. If I navigate route then in the tracks section of the main menu I 'view on map' then I can see the route with the track in blue but it isn't navigating so I don't get the datafields on the page.
I basically want to be able to navigate a route whilst seeing the track overlaid onto my devices map, so I can choose to deviate onto the track whilst also being able to see where the route is in relation to any deviation I make.
Hopefully that makes sense!
Any help would be appreciated.