Sun Dec 05, 2021 7:42 pm
I have 2 Garmin Nuvi 1340 satnavs
I have downloaded the latest Maps NT2021.20 from here.
Have loaded both the say navs with the appropriate files/maps in the same way.
One appears to work ok.
The other gives a message "Can't unlock maps" .
I have updated both using Garmin Express.
I have checked the content of both sat navs and cannot see any difference between them?
In desperation i copied all the files from the one that worked to the other, and it still gives the same message?
Any ideas what the problem might be ?
Sun Dec 05, 2021 10:05 pm
Seems like you have a rogue locked .img file, use
[Please Register or Login to download file] to identify what is on your device and SD card.
If Lockable says YES unlock with gimgun
Sun Dec 05, 2021 11:12 pm
Tried that and it has solve my problem
Unusual in that it was an img file but not one from this site.
I had a Cyprus image file i downloaded a couple of years ago from an OSM site and it was that.
Doesn't explain why it works on the one Nuvi 1340, but not the other Nuvi 1340 ??
Maybe i need to unlock this file.
Tue Dec 07, 2021 11:02 am
stone1048 wrote:Hi
Tried that and it has solve my problem
Unusual in that it was an img file but not one from this site.
I had a Cyprus image file i downloaded a couple of years ago from an OSM site and it was that.
Doesn't explain why it works on the one Nuvi 1340, but not the other Nuvi 1340 ??
Maybe i need to unlock this file.
Hi! As you explain it most probably the image is locked and the key exist already in the first Nuvi 1340 but not in the other better to unlock the image
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