converting .img cards to .obf   

converting .img cards to .obf

Postby tera2000 » Tue Nov 05, 2019 5:56 am

good evening everyone,
everything is pretty much in the title, I've been using Garmin gps for a while and I've installed the latest V5 carto on an Oregon and Monterra, in comparison there's no picture with the osm type cartos, but recently I've found a phone in android 7.1 and with interchangeable batteries that sips less than my S10 + if I use a gps app with permanently lit screen and especially it is anti shock,
so I tried, I think all the apps cartos that the store has, but no map has the details that provide me my V5,
the only nice app that I find quite ergonomic is Osmand, but this app also uses osm cartos, and on my sector, apart in the city, it is not very detailed as soon as we leave in the forest, osm n do not have as many details as the V5, so my question is whether a conversion of Garmin cards that are in .img is possible towards the standard in .obf cards used by Osmand?
or from a .img to another format of another app, since each app looks to have its format, the only one that "could" accept .img cards would be Oruxmaps, but it needs to be cards are "free of access" so from a source other than Garmin, I do not see the interest since Garmin can also use osm, which I do not want to do, so I turn to round,
I contacted the Oruxmaps developer and he confirmed the use of "free access" .img cards.
I also have Ign type cards that I can use on my Garmin and I would also like to keep them and use them on android

thank you for telling me if a solution can be found
tera2000 offline

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