Garmin bricked   

Garmin bricked

Postby damasoneto » Wed Oct 23, 2013 10:55 am

Hello everybody,

When I turn on my Garmin nuvi 1300, it gets bricked, showing just the logo "Garmin". Nothing more happens.
Could anyone help me solving this?

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Postby Fatboyfun » Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:32 am

Check on the Garmin website, I know there was some devices that had a bug in the firmware causing a boot failure.
A small tool run from a pc fixed it.
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Postby nabi » Wed Oct 23, 2013 2:10 pm

Try your manual first, there must be a procedure described how to hard reset it. That could be something like

The reset must be done without any charger or USB cable connected and the button pressed for 10 seconds.

A hard reset (this will cause you to lose any stored data) is accomplished by turning off the unit, pressing and holding the lower right hand corner of the screen and then powering it on. A menu should pop up asking if you want to erase all data - select yes.

However, READ YOUR MANUAL because the place to press the screen depends on some models. It could be the lower left or lower right or ... although I believe to be correct here.

I also found this on the internet about a nuvi 1300 "freeze on logo" problem: (by "if that" is meant the hard reset)

If that corrects the problem for the booting up, then I strongly recommend you do a software update for the unit, Garmin has released an update, that should correct this freeze problem. Go to the Garminweb site, search for and download the Garmin WebUpdater program and install it on your computer, before you connect the Garmin to your computer. Once installed, connect the Garmin to the computer and start the program. Follow the program directions for updating the operating system.
After the software update, you should do a soft reset again (holding power button).

When it's not working, you may have to contact Garmin and claim warranty.

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