I am hoping someone can help me. Last night I wiped the internal memory of my Montana - I didn't realise it was still connected via USB to my PC and I started to transfer a Raspberry Pi image to an SDHC card when I suddenly realised it was writing on the GPS unit! Disaster. I have only been able to recover a few files and have been unable to recover the partition.
I have a few questions/requests
1. What is the original formatting of the internal memory - FAT16, FAT32
2. Is the internal memory contiguous or split and what is the best way to reformat it?
3. Could anyone supply me with a a copy of the files or perhaps an image of the partition? I'm sure I made a backup originally but it appears to have gone AWOL - perhaps with all the Win10 upgrades I've been doing. I don't want/need any maps which could bring up licensing issues - I have those all backed up but I do need all the "operating system" support files etc.
I'd be most grateful for any help with this - the Montana was connected to my PC getting it ready for a trip to Germany in two weeks.
With thanks in advance.