Help With BlueChart-Want to fix an error in one of Garmin's    

Help With BlueChart-Want to fix an error in one of Garmin's

Postby GVan » Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:42 am


I am have successfully loaded BlueChart 2008.5 onto my garmin gps using the tools on available on this forum, but this is my first post.

I have what might be a simple problem, or it might not be. It goes like this....

There is a particular location near Vancouver BC that BlueCHart 2008.5 Americas displays wrong. The location is Cortes Bay at 50N 125.5W.

There is a 40,000:1 scale map is included in the database which is a detailed map of this area, but it never gets displayed either by Mapsource or my GPS. The map is Ca3538.

The reason this particular map never gets displayed ( I think...) is because another map which covers the area is INCORRECTLY labelled as being a 40,000:1 scale map, when it is really a 80,000:1 scale map. So this 80,000:1 scale map in effect blankets the 40 000 scale map I want to see.

I believe that if I could edit the label or tag which lists the problem map as 40,000:1, then I could fix this problem. I have downloaded a program called Mapedit, but I don't know how to use it, or if its capable.

Almost every single set of digital nautical charts I get my hands on has the same error! Its incredible. I think it all comes from one chart being tagged incorrectly.

In summary; I think Garmin labelled a map with the wrong scale and I want to fix it.

Any help would be much appreciated.
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