how can i install 2 maps on same device?
can i rename the *.img ?
saltino wrote:two on internal memory and more on sd card?
if other maps on sdcard
Europe + 3dbuil and JVC (in jvcdir) + topo img on internal device
North america + topo NA on sdcard (but 3dbuilding and JVC files on sdcard???)
what name-scheme and if possible to use 3dbuilings on sdcard toghether whit same on internal memory?
To use the junction view files, drag the entire “JCV” folder into your “Garmin” folder.( x:\Garmin\JCV )
folder.( x:\Garmin\JCV )[color="seagreen"]or[/color]
JCV in a subfolder called JCV on the SD Card
* gmapbmap.img - the default base map
* gmapprom.img - the primary mapset
* gmapprom1.img - the secondary mapset
* gmapoem.img - the OEM mapset that cannot be unselect by user (if it exist)
and other one ONLY maps on SDCARD:
* gmapsupp.img - the supplemental mapset which you can have one in the attached SD card.
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