Hello All,
Just acquired one of these, the new Montana 700 which is the basic, non 'in-reach' included unit.
So far seems ok, though it was a little expensive, around $1100 AUD to get the unit and mounting cradle.
Bit disappointing to learn if I want to be able to use AA batteries like in the Montana 610 and GpsMap 276CX I have to spend even more money to buy the adaptor thingo for it, they don't just slot in after removing the factory battery anymore.
The 5 inch diagonal glove friendly touchscreen works well and is easily viewable in full sunlight and the device it self doesn't appear to suffer from the poor performance and map redrawing from lack of RAM & processing power the 276CX does.
Map rendering/redrawing is very smooth and fast with the settings to show the most detail, so far anyway.
They advertise the ability to use custom maps, which appears to be true with Shonky Maps, a free topo mapset available for Australia, they work ok on this unit.
Other unlocked maps I have work fine on my Montana 610 & my GpsMap 276CX but don't work on the 700.
Gives some message about maps can't be authenticated, please contact vendor or something.
That a firmware thing causing that is it?
I know nothing about it really but I'm guessing it's similar to the things in the GPS firmware for protected devices thread?
All previous devices and maps have all worked together ok until I got this thing.