Thu Dec 16, 2010 6:51 pm
My nuvi 765 starts up whith a Volvo logo , is there any chans to remove this .
The problem is that i an no longer a Volvo owner !!
Thanks for the answers, but there is no splash screen that I thought The Volvo loggon comes up instead of Garmnins boot image. Directly on the power on.
Problem is solved, I used RGN Tools and GIR Editor to change the startup screen
Thanks to CCCTURBO who make things!
Thu Dec 16, 2010 7:29 pm
I do not have experiment "Volvo nuvi" but Try to find it from [X]:\JPEG
eg, some nuvi devices you can change startup logo in nuvi menu "Picture Veawer", "Display at power on?" or some similar
put pictures this JPEG folder
Mon Dec 20, 2010 3:47 pm
Thanks for the answers, but there is no splash screen that I thought The Volvo loggon comes up instead of Garmnins boot image. Directly on the power on.
I have extr the "boot.bin" from the cgd file using RGN tool and loaded in the GIR editor but can find no pictures.
Mon Dec 20, 2010 4:08 pm
nobody have write that you should use the RGN Tool
what is with the post of PiEtU or how i wrote in other forum - use xImage from garmin website
Tue Dec 21, 2010 4:50 pm
ozboss wrote:nobody have write that you should use the RGN Tool
what is with the post of PiEtU or how i wrote in other forum - use xImage from garmin website
Yes ozboss , as i mentioned the Volvo logo isnt a spash screen , and comes up insted off Garmin logo in the boot sec
Tue Dec 21, 2010 6:47 pm
and what is the result if you do it how PiEtU wrote
and what is with xImage . I use xImage for my 276c and i can change with this tool so much i want
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