Thu Jul 07, 2016 8:54 am
Hi, how can i use 2 maps on sdcard? Create a garmin folder and put 2 gmapsupp files inside? (I know that i can only use 1 map at a time in gps settings) Thanks
Thu Jul 07, 2016 9:04 am
It is possible to use two or more maps on your device! It depends what device you do have! Some of them they support files like gmapsupp.img gmapsupp1.img
Some others they recognize a gmapsupp.img and any other .img file on a directory named \map
you may try!
Thu Jul 07, 2016 9:16 am
b22222c wrote:Hi, how can i use 2 maps on sdcard? Create a garmin folder and put 2 gmapsupp files inside? (I know that i can only use 1 map at a time in gps settings) Thanks
To my knowledge 2 maps on a SD Card is not possible
Thu Jul 07, 2016 9:46 am
I can use 2 sdcard, one with one map and other with other map. And use the map/card that i need right?
Thu Jul 07, 2016 9:51 am
b22222c wrote:I can use 2 sdcard, one with one map and other with other map. And use the map/card that i need right?
Off course
Thu Jul 07, 2016 9:53 am
Yes you can do also this! But i repeat everything depends what device you are using! Old devices and firmwares may not recognise more that one map at a time some others do! I will give an example my old nuvi660 recognize gmapsupp.img and gmapsup1.img my new nuvi1490 recognize a gmapsupp.img and several others on \map directory.
There is also an other way! With GmapTool you may concatenate two maps in one new file so both they will be recognize by your device as different maps.
Thu Jul 07, 2016 11:29 am
kolokythas mentioned before. If you have newer Garmin.
About 2 maps or more on a SD Card. You can try the follewing.
Make a folder with the name Map (not Garmin)
Place the maps in it i.e
Give them a diferend name but keep
I have just tried it with my Garmin 2597LMT and it worked for me
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