Add Big Compass to any skin.
See the bottom of the Primo 2 skins page here for instructions and download:
NRT wrote:change the colours
NRT wrote:will give it a go.
NRT wrote:I think 255 is black not white
NRT wrote:Be stuffed if I can find the settings to make it not transparent,
Yurbuh Tuggly wrote:Yes, I believe so. Extract the file on your PC. Open the newcompass3d.vpr for your resolution in ui_igo9 with Notepad or another plain text editor. Each section (; top mesh, ; left mesh, etc) has it's own color settings such as color=100,100,250. Change these to suit what you might like using standard RGB color integers such as in Paint, Photoshop, or any graphics editor. Here is an on-line color picker that you can use [Please Register or Login to download file] (Java required).
You can change the NESW label colors (which are currently black..NO, [U]WHITE![/U]:): color=255, 255, 255) by changing ; N sign mesh, etc. To darken or change the transparency, open (again, with Notepad) compass_20.lua in ui_igo9/common/ui and change the number(s) after alpha=.
Save all files when done, zip it back up with the same name, and replace in your UX folder..keep a backup of the original in case something went wrong.
Please note that I have not tested this procedure, I'm only explaining how it could be done.
naiyang wrote:How to edit the Direction (N,S,E,W)
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