can i custom igo data file   

can i custom igo data file

Postby gunner1459 » Fri Aug 25, 2023 3:08 am

Hi guys,
I want to custom the speed limit data with my own data collect for my country, but all searching about how custom data, I can't know how.
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Re: can i custom igo data file

Postby JmaCWQ » Fri Aug 25, 2023 8:46 am


As far as I know iGO users cannot edit or customise that information, it is contained within the map (.fbl) file itself.
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Re: can i custom igo data file

Postby gunner1459 » Fri Aug 25, 2023 10:50 am

so, if I can't edit, how can i read the igo data, I want focus read file fda (speed limit alert) or speed cam.
And You mean, iGo user can't but partner of iGO can be, right?
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Re: can i custom igo data file

Postby JmaCWQ » Sat Aug 26, 2023 8:49 am

As far as I understand things, only NNG which is the company that makes iGO software and the companies that actually make the maps themselves can edit the .fbl mapfiles, the fda files etc.

There used to be a way to report to the map makers any road/speed limit changes, I imagine it still exists.
Searching for the relative company of map makers Tom-Tom, Here etc. they used to have on their websites a way to suggest corrections for their maps, but I've never used it.

.fda files I think are driver alerts, roadsigns that sort of thing.
.spc are speedcam files, I don't think they can be edited by users but I'm happy to be corrected on that.
When a user adds a speedcam manually it is saved in the file speedcamupdates.spud, which is a binary file and most likely not user editable.

If you just use the speed alerts or speed warning function it will use the map's speeds so an alert at a speed you set may not be correct.
There might be a workaround you could use, depending on what version of Primo and skin you use.
That is to set a speed alert that you can manually enter the speed you desire for the alert and possibly you could set this at the start and finish of the zones you desire.

I use a WindowsCE GPS, Primo version with the diMka WA P1.5.6 skin.
With that I can tap the map at my location, or anywhere on the map screen, that then gives the option to add a blocked road, a POI, speedcam or navigate to where I tapped.

If I add a speedcam, I then get the option to make it either a speed camera, traffic light or other depending on what I select, I can then set the direction of the alert to either direction or both directions.
And lastly I can set the speed at the alert from anywhere between 0 and 130 kph.
I don't know about setting the distance from these alerts that they appear, but I think there'd be a setting there somewhere to control that.
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